Apart from that instant’s pause, when it looked as if Ida gathered herself, there was nothing to indicate hesitation about leaving with the man she’d so feared.

Maybe she hadn’t feared him after all. Maybe they were allies, not enemies. Maybe she was playing a long game and you were a fool.

Cesare’s breath turned to ash on his tongue.

It was impossible.

He knew the real Ida now. She’d never willingly associate with Calogero or his bruiser.

Again Cesare hit replay. Was that really a momentary pause, or was Ida drawing a breath of relief at being off his property?

Maybe she wanted to go back to her family.

Maybe Calogero wasn’t her enemy.

Maybe she spun you lies.

Cesare scowled at the ridiculous idea. And at the searing pain ripping through his belly.

He only had her word for what she’d said about her history.

Maybe Calogero hadn’t forced her into compliance.

Maybe she’d been a willing pupil. Learning to scheme and lie.

But Cesare had surprised her in London. She hadn’t known he was looking for her.

Unless Calogero’s staff had you under surveillance and briefed Ida.

Unless she set you up.

His heart dived. Yet what would she gain? An affair with him wouldn’t stop their divorce and she’d signed the papers. The prenup was watertight.

Another scandal? The missing wife returns then disappears again? Cesare frowned. After what he’d already weathered, a bit more gossip meant nothing.

What had she and Calogero to gain?

Ida had been in the villa. She’d had the run of the place, including when he wasn’t there. Yet no valuables had gone missing. Ida wasn’t a thief.

Cesare’s breath fractured and clawing talons scored his windpipe. She’d used his study, often curling up on a sofa there, using the laptop he’d given her. He knew she’d been investigating interior-design courses. Had she been investigating something else too?

Had she hacked into his computer?

He’d broken Calogero’s death grip on the company and the old man was about to go down for a range of crimes. But wasn’t a cornered animal all the more dangerous?

Had Calogero sent Ida to gather information about the investigations into his crimes, and to locate remaining weaknesses in the Brunetti company?

Cesare turned his back on the screen. He couldn’t watch the footage any more.

His heart told him Ida was genuine. That she wasn’t a schemer. That she hadn’t betrayed him. Yet cold, unemotional logic gave a different perspective.

Cesare had learned in childhood how foolish men could be when in thrall to a beautiful woman. Ida wasn’t merely beautiful. She was fascinating, enticing and passionate. She made his blood pump faster and the world seem brighter.

He snatched a breath that didn’t fill his cramped lungs.

Had he inherited his father’s weakness?

Had he let his libido undermine caution? Had he allowed himself to fall under the spell of a woman who used him to get what she wanted?