Page 48 of The Girl He Crowned

Whoever this womanwas, Paige realized that she was reacting as if she thought that Paige might bethere to question Yolanda Vert as a suspect in some crime. It wasn’t anassumption that was going to get her to be helpful in a hurry.

“Listen to me; wehave reason to believe that Councilor Vert is in danger,” Paige said. “I needto speak to her urgently.”

That didn’t get areply, so Paige found herself wondering if the woman somewhere in the househadn’t believed her, or had simply decided to ignore her. Maybe she was evencalling the police as Paige waited there, telling them that some crazy personhad shown up on the doorstep, claiming to be from the FBI.

Then Paige heardthe sound of the door being unlocked. A second later, it opened to reveal ayoung woman in her twenties, dark haired and snub nosed, dressed in a severedark suit with a pleated skirt. She was holding a tablet, and Paige couldn’tmake up her mind if she was filming all of this, or just checking Paige’sdetails on there. Maybe both.

“What’s all thisabout Councilor Vert being in danger?” the woman asked.

Paige showed thewoman her badge. “I’m Agent Paige King, one of the agents working to catch theserial killer currently operating in Eddis.”

“Councilor Vert hasbeen clear that we shouldn’t use the term ‘serial killer,’” the woman said. “Itcreates the impression that Eddis has a problem that goes beyond the run of themill crime any city has. She certainly doesn’t approve of the FBI being here.It tells the world that things are out of control.”

“I’m sorry,” Paigesaid. “Who exactly are you?”

“I’m Elaine,Councilor Vert’s assistant.”

“So you know whereshe is right now?” Paige asked. That was the information she needed. Everythingelse was secondary.

“Of course, but Idon’t feel comfortable simply handing that information over to the FBI.”

There was anexpression there on the assistant’s face of determined non-cooperation. Not ona personal level because of some dislike, but simply because she had been givena job to do and was determined to do it, no matter how much it inconveniencedPaige.

All Paige could dowas try to get through to her. That loyalty to her boss presumably also meantthat she wanted to protect her.

“Listen to me,Elaine,” Paige said. “We found Yolanda Vert’s name on a list that a killer whohas murdered three women so far appears to be using to select his victims. Mycolleague is currently protecting one potential victim, and if you don’t let medo the same for your boss, then we both might have blood on our hands ifsomething happens to her. Do you want that?”

“No, no, of coursenot,” Elaine said.

“Then where isshe?”

The young womanlooked slightly embarrassed. “Honestly, I’m not entirely sure. She wasmeantto have a couple of meetings about local zoning matters, but she canceledat the last minute. Something about getting a clock repaired.”

Those words madePaige’s blood run cold.

“She’s getting aclock repaired? You’re sure?”

Elaine shrugged.“That’s what she said. Only you mustn’t tell her that I told you. CouncilorVert can be veryparticularabout-”

Paige didn’t hearthe end of it because she was already running back towards her car, getting outher phone as she did so. She jabbed at the screen, calling Christopherurgently. He picked up after only a couple of rings. None of this fit with theMO of the killer as he’d operated before, but Paige realized that there was atleast one part that made sense: the killer liked to ambush his victims inpre-planned locations. She was sure that she was right.

“Paige?” he said.“Are you ok?”

“Listen, YolandaVert is the next victim. Her assistant just told me that she’s on her way toget a clock repaired. That can’t be a coincidence. I’m heading to Hales and”

“Damn.” Paigecould hear the urgency in Christopher’s tone. “I’ll meet you there. Justpromise me you’ll wait for me before you go in.”

“I can’t,” Paigesaid. “Not if she’s in danger. Just hurry, Christopher.”


Paige racedthrough the streets of Eddis, her heart pounding, hoping that she would be intime. If Yolanda Vert was going to Hales and Co., then she was being lured toher death, and Paige had only a limited time to stop that from happening. Everysecond she wasted now might be the second in which the other woman died.

Paige threw hercar around a corner, pushing the vehicle as hard as she dared. Was she alreadytoo late? For all Paige knew, the councilwoman might already be lying dead atthe hands of the killer.

As soon as Halesand Co.’s building came into view, Paige knew that there was something verywrong there. There were a couple of cars parked outside, butonlyacouple. The whole place seemed quiet and dark, seemingly empty in the middle ofthe day.

Paige pulled upin front of the building and that only confirmed it. Through the store window,she could see that the whole place was empty. When she got out and tried thedoor, it was firmly locked.