“About marrying Liv?”

“About being in front of hundreds of people. I don’t want him to worry.”

Violet groaned. “Fine. That’s a fair point. I can try to swing it. I have to get the dresses and then get them to Liv before noon.”

“Where would have female cake toppers? Walmart?”

“I don’t know. This isn’t something you shop for.”

“What about a Barbie?”

“That’s way too tall.”

“Isn’t Liv a bit taller than Lewis?”

“I mean, not Barbie vs cake topper tall.”

Charlie sighed, which turned into a groan. He had an impressive lung capacity. While Charlie mourned his losses, Violet looked up where a cake topper would be.

“Oh! The party store has some. And they have one with her skin tone and curly hair.”

“Oh, thank God.”

“Fuck, it’s on the wrong side of town.”

“What side?”


“Hm… I can get it. But we have to meet in like…. Fifteen minutes.”

“Okay, okay," Violet said. “Meet me at the coffee shop where Liv and Lewis go to all the time.”

“The one in the middle of town?”


“Don’t tell Lewis how many laws I’m breaking," he said as he hung up the phone.

Violet took one moment to smile before she darted out the door.

They arrived both at the same time. Their cars stopped parallel to each other, and then Charlie was getting out of his car in a rush.

“I need you to take the cake," he said, as she got out of the car to meet him. “I was supposed to have it at the venue.”

Violet nodded. “Okay, I can do that. I’m heading there next anyways.”

Charlie nodded, grabbing the giant cake box. He positioned it in the backseat and buckled it in. It looked totally ridiculous, and Violet almost wanted to laugh.

“Thank you. You’re the best," Charlie told her, before he drove off.

Violet’s brain shut off for a moment while she processed his words. It had to have been said only in the heat of the moment because there was no way he meant it.

But she almost wanted him to.

Violet shook the thought out of her head. She didn’t have time to think about this. She needed to get things done.

She sped back to the venue and dropped the cake off. Then she made the fastest punch of her life and raced to the dress shop to pick up all the dresses. She was running behind, but when she pulled back up to the venue, she knew the worst of it was done.