Of course, she should have known she had cursed herself the moment she chose to look like a trash goblin.

This was the worst time to run into an ex. Her hair was greasy and piled high on her head, and she didn’t even put on makeup.

She hadn’t expected to see Elijah until the wedding, but when she was putting out chairs, she could practically feel it when she walked in. Elijah was the only ex in her friend circle, but she hadn’t worried about seeing him yet since he hadn’t shown interest in helping plan the wedding.

Of course, she should have learned to always expect the unexpected.

When she saw him, she immediately remembered the morning after their one night together. She had been nervous to sleep with him, but he had been asking about it daily since their third date. She should have known sex was all he wanted.

“You can’t have expected me to actually want to be with you, right?”

It might have been two years ago, but the pain was still fresh. He had wanted sex. She had wanted a relationship. The miscommunication would have been fine if he hadn’t berated her for it.

A part of her was still so angry about it, but she didn’t have time to deal with it. The last thing she needed was to start shit with two of Lewis’s friends.

Ugh. Why had she ever agreed to go out with him in the first place? She never should have dated someone in their friend’s circle. She should have known this would have turned out bad.

Violet shook her head, trying to clear out some of the self-deprecating thoughts. Things had already been bad enough lately. She still saw her apartment crumbling when she closed her eyes at night. Being around Charlie was weird and painful. She didn’t need anything else.

“Well, well, well,” he said. Violet paused in her work cursing every god she knew that he had decided to talk to her.

“What are you doing here?”

“Lewis is worried you and Charlie will blow up the joint, so I offered to keep an eye on things.”

Ugh. He was the last person she wanted keeping an eye on anything.

His eyes went up and down her body, and he smirked, as if he knew he had made the right choice leaving her. It made Violet want to crawl in a hole and die.

“Oh, come on,” Elijah said. “Not happy to see me? Where’s that fiery spirit? Or is it only for Charlie?”

“I’m here to put out the chairs," Violet muttered.

“You can’t still be salty about what happened years ago. It wasn’t a big deal. Aren’t you past it already?”

Her whole body tensed. She hated the way he talked down to her, like she was less than him because she slept with him.

“Just leave me alone," Violet said. “I don’t want to fight with you.”

“That’s right because you fight with Charlie enough. Be careful or you’ll get a record.”

Violet shook her head and didn’t say anything.

“You know, when a girl has problems with multiple guys, it usually means she’s the problem.”

“We don’t have a problem," Violet replied, turning to him. “Leave me alone.”

“Look, I can’t help it if you got the wrong idea from me. You don’t have to be mad.”

“I’m not mad," Violet said hotly.

“Yeah, it sure seems like you are,” Elijah said. “Are you on your period or something?”

“No," Violet said harshly. “Why are you talking to me? You’ve avoided me for these last two years.”

Elijah shrugged. “I have to babysit you. Just like we all do.”

“You don’t have to do shit. If you were here to keep an eye on things, you could easily stay in a corner and not talk to me.”