The worst part of hating him was that he was exactly her type. She loved tall men. She loved guys with strong jawlines and a touch of hair over their chests. She liked how in shape Charlie had been, and her only regret was not turning to see his ass as she escaped. She knew from how he looked in jeans that it would have been worth it.

But nope. She was going to push it out of her mind.

Violet cleared her throat. “I’m heading out to see Liv for some wedding decorating.”

Charlie nodded; his mouth set in a frown.

“You know,” she said, before thinking. “Maybe I should let you see my boobs to make it even.” Violet regretted it as it left her mouth. Charlie looked startled, and turned red. “That was a badly timed joke. Sorry.” She laughed awkwardly and went to escape.

“It’s fine.” Charlie shook his head. “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about it.”

“Fair enough. Boobs and dicks are off limits.”

Charlie looked at her, and then his eyes went down, right to her chest. His gaze snapped up quickly.

Violet crossed her arms over her chest. She was sure she didn’t compare to Lauren of all people. Violet was 90% sure Lauren had gotten a boob job at some point, and Violet’s natural boobs, which were in an old bra, couldn’t compare.

“I’m going to go before I say anything else stupid. I’ll see you later, Davis.”

Violet made her escape in record time. She blasted music on the way to the wedding venue, trying to down out all thoughts about Charlie and their last few conversations.

It didn’t work.

“Hey," Liv said, when Violet got there. Her friend had garland hanging around her neck and tape on her fingers. “What’s up? You look … weird.”

“I’m fine," Violet said.

“Is everything okay with Charlie?”

“Yeah, it’s fine,” she said quickly.

“You guys fought, didn’t you?” Liv said. “Do we need to relook at the hotel?”

“You’re not paying for a hotel for me.” Violet shook her head. “You have enough going on with the wedding.”

“But I’m worried.”

“It wasn’t a fight. It was only an embarrassing moment I’m going to repress forever.”

Liv only raised her eyebrows.

“No,” Violet said, knowing her friend was trying to get her to spill the beans. “You’re going to laugh if I tell you.”

“Now you have to tell me.”

“I don’t! It’s not a huge deal!”

“It obviously is. if you don’t tell me, I’m going to guess.”

“Liv, no-“

“Okay, maybe he found a picture of you from when you had braces. Oh! You were picking his nose in front of him, or he was picking his nose in front of you-“

“I saw him naked.” It came out pained. Violet didn’t even want to answer, but she didn’t want to hear Liv guess all the other ways things could have gone wrong.

Liv froze, and then she bursted into laugher. “Naked? You saw him naked! How?”

“I was in the bathroom for something and he walked in naked,” Violet said miserably.