“Yeah, I could tell. He was super defensive when I walked in.”

“But he let you stay," Liv reminded her. “That’s important. Just don’t mess up his house.”

“I’d never," Violet said honestly. Hurting that house would be like burning history. “I’m the one at a disadvantage here.”

“I mean yeah, a little. But I do know Charlie isn’t a terrible person. He wouldn’t do anything.”

Violet frowned. Sure, Liv thought Charlie wasn’t a bad person, but Violet knew how he really was.

“He does insult me,” Violet tried to remind her.

“Yeah, but you guys said you were turning another leaf.”

Violet sighed. They did say that, but it had been fake. Things were so tense it didn’t feel like they were turning anything.

“But if it does get bad,” Liv continued, “Lewis gets discounts on hotels through his job. Once the city isn’t so busy, we can help you pay for a place.”

“I can’t ask that of you.” Even if being alone in a hotel sounded amazing.

“It’s fine," Liv said. “Seriously. Ask for anything.”

Violet most certainly wouldn’t. She already felt bad enough.

“It’s fine for now. How is wedding stuff going?” Violet asked, desperate to change the subject. “Do you need any help with anything?”

“Aren’t you busy?”

“I’m off work now. I can swing it.”

Plus, it would beat going back to Charlie’s place.

“Um, yeah now that I think about it. Lewis and I are going to a cake tasting. Wanna join?”

Violet’s stomach growled. “I’d love nothing more.”

A few minutes later, she was at the venue, and Liv got out of her car with a bag full of stuff.

“What is this?” Violet asked her as she handed the bag over.

“Oh, just all of your favorite bath things.”

Violet stared. A part of her hated her friend spending money on her. The other was so grateful for the gift she wanted to cry.

“I know you’re going through it," Liv said. “Please take it. It’s the least I could do.”

Violet nodded quietly and put the bag in her car. Liv hugged her tightly, telling her it would be okay. Violet accepted the hug and tried not to sob. The days had worn on her, and for the first time, even for a moment, she felt safe.

Only a moment later, Lewis pulled up, and the moment was over. Liv didn’t mention she had helped Violet, and she was glad her friend didn’t. It was hard for Violet to accept help, and the less people knew, the better.

When they went inside, though, things changed. Liv and Lewis talked about their wedding and what they wanted, and Violet was barely able to get a word in. They tried to include her with each cake, but she could tell she was a third wheel.

Violet tried not to let it get to her, but deep down, she wanted what Liv and Lewis had. She wanted someone to talk to about cake while planning for a wedding. She wanted someone who liked her weird taste and her odd toppings.

Liv and Lewis wanted a regular white cake, which was fine. But Violet wanted someone to try the strawberry with. Someone who’d get it for her even if no one else liked it.

It wasn’t their fault, but Violet wanted nothing more than for it to be her turn.

She had been unlucky in love. Violet wanted someone serious and stable, but there was never a guy who fit the bill. Most were either looking for hookups, or simply weren’t ready for commitment.