Page 115 of To Make Matters Worse

“I’ll text Lewis and explain you had a bad week, okay? You can talk to her Monday.”

Violet considered it for a long moment, so long that Charlie was worried she would say no. But then she fished her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him.

He did as he said. When her alarm was off, he tossed her phone to her, and then texted Lewis.

Charlie: Hey Lewis, I know Liv is worried about Violet and wants to talk. Violet isn’t mad at her, but her week got progressively worse, and she needs to wait until Monday to talk.

Lewis typed for a long time. Eventually he answered.

Lewis: Liv wants to know why Violet hasn’t said that herself, and if you’re somehow forcing her week to be worse.

Lewis: Sorry, man. It was either I said it, or she was going to take my phone

Charlie kept his face passive, so Violet wouldn’t worry.

Charlie: That’s fine. No, I haven’t purposefully made Violet’s week worse, and Liv can ask her when they talk on Monday if she doesn’t believe me.

Charlie: And as for why Violet didn’t text - she’s comatose on the couch, and if she did, she would force herself to explain and stress herself out. I know neither of you believe that I have good intentions, and that’s fine. But this is her way to taking the time she needs, and I ask that you guys let her.

It took a long time for Lewis to reply.

Lewis: Okay. I got Liv to agree to wait until Monday. But please don’t let this be a joke. This is the closest you’ve ever been to actually caring about Violet.

Charlie sighed and decided not to respond.

“She wants me to message her, doesn’t she?” Violet said.

“She does, but I told her you need time. She’ll ask on Monday.”

“Ugh, I hate that my job was so hard this week. Jason snapped at me, and then we didn’t have enough subs again, so I had double classes for two days. But I shouldn’t leave her in the dark like this.”

“Hey, you had no problems dealing with things yourself when she was on her honeymoon. Let her do the same for you when you need time.”

Violet sighed but didn’t argue. Charlie took that as a win.

She wound up falling asleep early too tired to do anything. The next morning, she woke up after nine, which was late for her.

He had been up since seven, planning on spending the day trying to cheer her up. He knew how she worked - if she spent the day alone, she would mull in her feelings the whole time and never feel any better.

Charlie had gotten breakfast done when she stumbled into the kitchen, looking out of it, but well rested. The whole house smelled like it did when he was a kid, when Gigi Ruth would wake up and cook him breakfast as a surprise. She would say something in her broken but useable English, and he would eat while she put on cartoons for him.

Charlie handed Violet coffee and a plate, and she blinked at him, confused.

“What’s all this?” She asked quietly. Her hair was in a messy but cute ponytail, and he couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Breakfast," he told her. “Since this week sucked.”


“No buts. You deserve to have someone help you feel better.”

Violet’s reaction was subtle. She tilted her head to the side, a small smile on her face, and Charlie wondered if his heart was going to stop from seeing her look at him like this.

“Thank you," she said. “I mean it. No one has ever done all this for me before.”

That was a shame. Violet deserved the world. “You’re welcome. Now let’s eat.”

Violet nodded and followed him to the dining room. They ate across from each other, sometimes talking, but he could tell Violet was still feeling off.