Page 107 of To Make Matters Worse

“You want to play video games with me?”

“Isn’t that something you and Lewis do?”

“Yeah, but he needs to unpack.”

“I get pretty competitive in video games, though.”

“I think I can manage.”

He stared at Violet, hoping she took the bait. Lewis was fun at video games, but he hated competition. Violet was the only one he knew that liked it.

“Okay, fine. But I get to pick. I want it to be something I have a slim chance of beating you at.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Chapter Fifteen


The next day was set to be a busy one. Violet had already set up a meeting with Jason’s mom for later in the day. She was going to have to stay after five to meet with her, but she didn’t mind. She only hoped Jason’s mother would be understanding.

Plus, even though she was back in town, Liv hadn’t texted yet. Violet figured she was getting unpacked but wasn’t sure.

Monday morning, Violet was a mess of nerves. She sat with Charlie, letting him make breakfast for a change. He had been eying her early all morning, knowing something was wrong.

“So, did you tell Liv I’m still staying here?” She asked as they sat down. Maybe Liv was mad about that.

“No, they didn’t ask.”

“They didn’t ask?”

“They only talked about the honeymoon. I figured I didn’t want to ruin their after-marriage glow.”

“You would think they would have at least asked how things were going with us.”

“They didn’t mention you at all," Charlie said. “But they didn’t ask me about anything personal, either.”

Her heart was racing. Were they mad for some reason?

“Hey," Charlie said, his voice gentle. “I’m sure it’s nothing serious.”

“But what if it is serious?” She asked, her voice becoming thick with emotion. “Ugh, I shouldn’t even feel this way. I have too much to do today to be worrying about this.”

“It’s okay, Violet.”

“I know it will be. I’m so scared they’ll leave.”

“I doubt that’s going to happen, but if it did, you’d have me.”

“But you’re friends with Lewis.”

“If they suddenly drop you for no reason, I’ll be on your side.” Charlie said it like it was the simplest thing in the world. “And you’ll always have Roo. I think she likes you more than me, and I’m the one that cleans her litter box.”

Violet smiled. Hearing that had actually helped. Roo was at her feet, blinking up at her with innocent, bright eyes.

“Isn’t it crazy?” She said as her emotions faded. She leaned down to pet Roo. “We really went from enemies to this, huh?”

“We did. It feels like we’ve been friends forever though.”