“Yes!” Both Violet and Charlie yelled at the same time.

“I can’t believe this," Lauren said. “I’m done. Bye, Charlie.”

Lauren walked away but paused after a few feet, as if giving Charlie the chance to follow her.

He didn’t.

When Lauren was out of sight, Violet could only stare. Tonight, she had pissed off her best friend, been the subject of a blowout fight, and been called a bitch by Charlie’s girlfriend.

She felt terrible.

But for once, it wasn’t Charlie’s fault.

She was angry, hurt, and irritated, but he didn’t have anything to do with it.

So, she wouldn’t treat him like he did.

They stood in silence, for once, not against each other. Something, in the cold darkness of the night, shifted. Violet wasn’t sure what, but she saw Charlie as a little less of an enemy.



“Liv looked mad," Charlie said.

He knew Violet was going to fucking kill him.

His heart was racing, and he’d never been angrier at Lauren in his life. Not only did she show up unexpectedly to meet him at the rehearsal, but she also ruined it too.

Violet was staring in the direction Lauren had gone, lips pursed. He readied himself for her to turn it on him.

“She was," Violet said back.

“I’m sorry," Charlie said quickly. “I really didn’t know she would show up here tonight. And I didn’t expect her to cause a scene like that.”

Violet sighed. “Usually it’s us.”

“I’m sorry,” he said again.

“We’re good,” she said.

He could only stare at her in shock.

“What?” She said, sounding confused. “I know we fight, but you didn’t do anything. She came here unannounced, right? You didn’t invite her?”

“No, I didn’t. She met me here. I didn’t think she was coming because the last time we saw each other we … well, she stormed off.”

“She seems good at that.”

“I don’t understand why you’re not mad at me. I should have told her, I-“

“Stop,” Violet said, holding her hand up. “I’m not mad at you. But I am mad at Lauren, and a bunch of other things we don’t have time to go into, but I’m not interested in taking out my feelings on you. I’m not a toddler.”

Charlie stared at her. That was … oddly mature of her. Not even Lauren could manage being with him for more than a few days before she was snapping at him - even when he had done nothing.

“I know I have no business asking this… but why are you with her?” Violet asked him.

“We’ve been together since high school.”