Page 136 of To Make Matters Worse

People they knew were scattered around the open floor plan. Violet stepped a little closer to him and he realized neither of them knew everyone here. In fact, usually it was Liv and Lewis hosting things, but Micah had a lot of friends they didn’t know.

He was glad Violet was here, even if he wanted to kiss her so bad, he could explode.

“I think I see Liv over in the corner," Violet said, grabbing his arm. He nodded, following her to Liv who was standing alone with a drink in hand.

“Hey," Liv said. “Did you arrive together?”

“Uh, yeah," Charlie said.

Internally, he was panicking. Did Liv know about his crush on Violet? Did she know about Violet’s on him?

If Liv did, however, she didn’t show it.

“Last night was fun. It almost felt like college again.”

“Yeah, it did," Violet said. “Although truth be told, I don’t remember much of college. It was mostly a blur of studying and trying to make sure I didn’t lose my scholarships.”

“It worked out. You literally had straight A’s.”

Charlie remembered that. He remembered thinking she would get into any grad school she applied to, but she wanted something Ivy League.

“I’m glad it’s over. That kind of pressure wasn’t good for me. Not that teaching is any easier, but it’s a different kind of stress.”

Charlie nodded absentmindedly. “Where’s Micah?” He asked. “We should probably say hello.”

Violet turned to look through the people at the party. Most of them were people Micah knew through work, but there were a few of their more distant friends in a crowd.

Violet didn’t find Micah and turned to him and Liv with a frown. “Everyone is looking over here,” she muttered.

Charlie knew she was right. Most people had heard of them, or at least knew of their feud. People were waiting with bated breath to see if they would break.

Bitterness coiled within him.

“Yeah, maybe,” Liv said. “But you’re doing well. You guys haven’t got on each other’s nerves once.”

“It would be pretty miserable if we were annoyed all the time," Violet said to her.

“Plenty of people do it," Liv said, shrugging.

“Where’s Lewis?” Charlie asked, eager to change the subject.

“He’s with Elijah and Damon," Liv said. “They’re here too.”

“Great," Violet muttered.

Charlie sighed. He didn’t know Elijah was here. He hadn’t heard or thought of him since the wedding.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine," Liv said to Violet. “Anyways, isn’t this place amazing?”

“It is," Violet said.

“A little too … new for me though," Charlie said.

“Oh yeah, your house is historical," Liv said.

“The open floor plan makes me feel exposed," Violet added. “I think I’m in the minority there. Open floor plans are popular.”

“They’re actually pretty inefficient,” Charlie said.