Page 122 of To Make Matters Worse

Charlie felt some of his tension ease.

He had tons of photos of Roo. He would just have to scroll past all of the ones that had Violet in them too.

“Yeah,” he said, finding a few good ones in a row without Violet either holding her or playing with her. “Here’s a few.”

Lewis was happy to talk about Roo after that, all conversation of Violet gone. Charlie was relieved. He didn’t know how many more comments about their past he could take.

Chapter Seventeen


“Oh shit,” Violet said, looking through the window. “You can see the conveyer belt out here.”

Violet had been a little nervous to go to dinner with Liv and Lewis, but she also understood why they were hesitant. Things with Charlie had been good, so good she couldn’t imagine fighting with him again.

But her friends could.

So, she was planning on doing her best to make sure nothing was weird. She was going to be herself and try to show Lis and Lewis she and Charlie could be friends. Hopefully after tonight, they would understand.

Even with all the worry, she was excited to try this new place. It was a local sushi bar where everything was served on a conveyer belt. She hadn’t been able to justify trying this place until now. Even with her paying for all of the utilities, her financial situation had gotten so much easier.

Violet could see why people had roommates.

“Each table is right next to the conveyer belt for food,” Charlie said. “We don’t even have to get up.”

“This is my kind of place.”

“I’m a little worried about food poisoning.”

“You shouldn’t be," Violet said and she fished around in her purse to grab a baggy filled with white dust. “I brought your Gigi Ruth’s bone dust from the house. It’s good luck, right?”

Charlie turned, eyes comically wide. “Did you take that from home?”

Violet laughed. “No. It’s confiscated Smarties from a student who was trying to pretend it was drugs.”

“That’s… worse.”

“I confirmed it was candy. By seeing them crush it and by taste.”

“I’m not entirely convinced you won’t get arrested.”

“I think I’d do well in prison. I could write people’s papers to their loved ones.”

Charlie laughed his full bodied, amazing laugh. It always came out when she was saying something ridiculous, and it filled Violet with a warmth she didn’t know possible.

“You’d be popular - that’s for sure," Charlie said.

“Yeah," Violet said, shoving the crushed candy into her purse. “Let’s go. May Gigi Ruth protect us.”

“I’ll have you know,” Charlie said, opening the door for her, “She was big on culturally accurate foods. She would have cursed you for being here.”

“You don’t think she would have been charmed by the sheer amount of food you could get for twenty bucks?”

“Okay … maybe she would’ve been impressed.”

“She also sounds like the kind of lady who has an iron stomach. You can’t be a great grandmother without one.”

“She did cook everything with the same cast iron she never used soap on.”