“Nothing good ever comes from fantasies,” I mumble to myself as I take a sip from my cup before placing it on the small table.

My eyes scan the crowd, searching for Callen. He disappeared a few moments ago, promising to return with a treat that would knock my socks off. I have no doubt he’ll be able to deliver. Again.

Callen has taken me all around Edinburgh, showing me the city in a way only a local would know. We’ve spent the entire day going from place to place, even stopping off at a few shops along the way, making this feel more like a date than a tour. I tried to convince him a few times to take me to all the museums on my list, but after a while, I gave up.

“As if,” I mumble to myself, shaking the thought right out of my head.

“Try this.” Callen flops down in front of me, sliding a paper bag full of what looks like French toast sticks toward me.

“This isn’t like the Haggis you tried to get me to eat for lunch?” I eye the bag skeptically, turning it from side to side, searching for anything out of the ordinary.

“Haggis is delicious,” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin on his face.

“Yeah, if you like eating sheep’s lungs, hearts, and whatever other parts you throw in there for good measure.”

My stomach roils at just the thought of the vile taste that filled my mouth as soon as I took a bite. Apparently, haggis is an acquired taste that I’ll never develop. I’ll stick to eating things when I know what’s in them.

“Just taste it,” Callen chuckles, sliding the bag toward me and waiting.

“If this is something equally foul, I’ll vomit on you instead of in the nearest trash can.” I pull a bread-like stick out of the bag and take a bite. “Hmm, this is good! It tastes just like a shortbread cookie.”

“That’s because it is.” Callen smiles, placing his hand over mine, but I quickly pull it free.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” I say quickly before pushing back from the table and heading inside the coffee shop.

How cliché can I get? Running to hide in the bathroom after a hot guy gets too close for comfort? But I had to get away. Being that close to Callen Mackenzie is detrimental to my heart.

I don’t know why Callen continues to flirt with me. On the plane was one thing. I had no idea I was going to see him again. Now it seems as if he’s taken it up a notch, wanting to ensure I know he’s interested.

Could that be true?

I shake my head as I pull open the door and take in my reflection. My cheeks are still pink from our encounter earlier, accentuating my freckles. I’ve pulled my hair up in my patented messy bun with my sunglasses perched on the top of my head.

I must admit, the new outfit Maya convinced me to buy before leaving for my trip hugs all my curves, makes my tits look amazing, and shows off all my best features. I’m thick all over and love to eat, but I also take care of myself.

“Get it together, Ava. He’s just being nice, hoping you’ll leave a good Yelp review for his business,” I mumble to myself before splashing some water on my face and heading back outside.

I make it out the door and am almost to the table when I’m stopped dead in my tracks. A gorgeous, toothpick-skinny blonde is sitting in my seat. She’s plastered a bright smile on her face as she leans forward, giving Callen a perfect view of her tits spilling out the top of her shirt.

A sudden pang of sadness fills my heart as I imagine how things will play out as soon as I get back to the table. Callen will make some excuse for why he has to leave and then take off with his newest conquest, leaving me to fend for myself.

Why does it bother me this much? I’m sure he gets hit on all the time. I mean, look at him. He’s sex on a stick. I’ve been interested in guys and been left in the dust, and it has never bothered me before. Why is this situation with Callen any different?

Having more questions now than answers, I storm toward the table, wanting to grab my stuff and leave, but Callen has other plans.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” he asks before pulling me onto his lap and nuzzling his nose into the side of my neck. “We need to get going if we want to have dinner at a decent hour.”

I freeze in place, memorizing how his hands feel against my skin and the way he breathes in my scent. Wanting to commit this moment to memory before it’s whipped away from me.

“You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend,” the blonde snarls, sitting up straighter in her chair. She crosses her arms under her breasts, pushing them up for all the world to see.

“Did you even ask?” I raise my eyebrow, threading my fingers through his silky hair and waiting for her witty retort.

When she says nothing, I continue.

“It seems you’ve been barking up the wrong tree. Next time, make sure the man is interested before you throw yourself at him.”

Her eyes immediately light with fire as she pushes back from the table and storms off into the crowd. Callen and I look at each other for a moment before we both burst into laughter. Tears stream down my face as a sense of vindication settles over me. For the first time in my life, someone of the opposite sex wasn’t willing to trade me in for something better.