“You’re right, but that’s not how I found out about Callen.”

“Then how did you find out?”

I don’t want to have this conversation right now—or ever—but I know Maya. If I don’t talk to her, she’ll keep pestering me until I tell her everything. And I’m sure Rory and Charlotte have filled her in on everything I’ve told them.


“What?!” I shout, my mind flicking through everything I ever told Callen about me.

Not one of those things was the names of my friends that I can remember.

“It seems your friend knows his way around a computer, or has friends who do. He found me and called, letting me know what’s been going on with you.”

“Unbelievable,” I mutter, flopping back onto the bed. “That’s not the least bit creepy.”

Out of all my friends, he had to pick Maya. The most reckless out of the four of us, she’s always following her heart instead of her brain, which makes her the last person I should take advice from now. Or the best. Since we both know I never listen to my heart, even when it’s probably right.

“I call it being resourceful, but that’s beside the point. Either way, there’s something on your mind. Either you can tell me, or I’m getting on a plane.”

“I think I’m in love.”

Maya giggles. “And you say that like it’s a bad thing?”

“Isn’t it?” I turn to my side, bringing my knees to my chest and curling into a ball.

Maya waits patiently for me to finish, but I don’t.

“Ava, what’s going on?”

When I don’t answer a second time, she hangs up, but two seconds later, my phone rings with a request to FaceTime. I hit accept without even thinking.

“Tell me what happened?” I hold the phone up to my face, seeing Maya’s smiling face.

She has a slightly sun-kissed look to her skin. The sunny weather in Venice is doing her good.

“How is the nanny job going? Have you fallen in love with that sexy vineyard owner yet?”

Maya’s cheeks turn pink, and I sit up straight.

“You too?”

“We aren’t talking about me, Ava.”

“Maybe not, but you called me, so spill.”

Maya pinches the bridge of her nose. “Yes. I’m completely and utterly in love with this place, these kids, and with Giulio, but he’s made it perfectly clear that I’m not what he needs in his life right now.”

“Is he insane?”

“Maybe. I’m fucking awesome, aren’t I?” Maya responds, a fake smile plastered on her face.

“What are you going to do?”

“Nothing.” Her voice cracks slightly. “I’m going to finish the job I’m being paid for and then go home and put the pieces of my heart back together. What’s that saying? It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.”

Tears pool in her eyes as I watch my vibrant friend crumple before me. I’ve never seen Maya so broken in the years that I’ve known her.

“I’m sorry—” I begin, but she cuts me off.