“So, what? She turned up later for a quickie and you thought, yeah, why not?”
“No,” he said through clenched teeth. “Darcy followed me, she practically attacked me, and forced herself on me after I repeatedly asked her to leave. If anything, I should be mad at you for leaving me in her evil clutches, I barely escaped with my honor intact.”
Her eyes flashed angrily. “You seemed like you were enjoying it enough!”
“Darlin’, can you stop? I’m trying to tell you something very important,” he sighed. She was fast running out of steam, but she still wasn’t sure if she believed him. When he called her darlin’ like that it made her insides melt which wasn’t helping. “Also, if you paid attention during all the times we made love, you would know how I look when I’m enjoying myself,” he pouted.
“If I paid attention? How dare you!” she spluttered. He tweaked her nose, clearly relishing how much of a snit she was in. “Don’t do that!”
“Anyway, after you left, I passed out. Darcy and I did nothing. I haven’t done anything with anyone but you for years. I don’t want anyone except you, I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”
“Wait, did you say ‘made love’?” she whispered, staring up into his brilliant blue eyes. He nodded and as she took in his words, she felt tears welling up in her eyes. He kissed them away as they spilled over onto her cheeks.
“You’ll never know how sorry I am that I didn’t tell you about the letters. I found them by accident about a week ago and I didn’t know how to bring it up, but that’s not an excuse because when you love someone, you don’t hurt them. That’s what I did, I broke your trust, I just hope one day you can forgive me,” he said, sincerity coating his words.
“You love me?” she uttered softly, almost scared to ask him to clarify. He just smiled and nodded. “I forgave you immediately, I know you wouldn’t have done it on purpose. Since I came back home you’ve done nothing but care for me, help me, and support me. But when I saw you with Darcy, that hurt,” she said, sad eyes peeking up at him through her lashes.
He closed his eyes and sighed, resting his forehead to hers, “I don’t know how I can make it up to you.”
There was a pause as she replayed his words, letting them sink in.
“You can start by towing my car home,” she murmured, his eyes flew open and met hers, hope shining in their depths.
“I’m not towing it home, I’m sending it for scrap and buying you a new one,” he joked, and she laughed before he cupped her cheeks, seriousness taking over.
“I love you so much, I promise I’ll never hurt you again,” he dipped his head and hovered just above her mouth, a breath away, waiting patiently and allowing her to make the choice. She met his lips, pressing their mouths together in a tender kiss.
“You really love me?” she asked gently when they pulled apart. A smile lit his face.
“Very much, tell me you love me too?” he asked hopefully, she bit her lip hesitantly, unsure if she could let go of her issues and give herself over to him completely. He bent down to her ear.
“Tell me you love me, darlin’, I know you do. It’s only love, you don’t need to be afraid anymore, I’ve got you,” he murmured. His breath tickling her ear, sending her pulse skittering, she wavered.
“This is crazy! We’ve never even been on a date!” she cried.
“A date?!” he whooped with laughter. God, she loved his laugh. “I don’t need to take you on a date to know I want to spend the rest of my life with you! We might never have been on a date together, but I’ve spent my whole life learning about you. I know everything I need to know, and I can’t wait to find out anything else. But if this is a sticking point, then I guess I’ll have to take you on a date.”
She threw her arms around him and plastered kisses all over his face.
“Does this mean you want a date?” he asked, she smiled at him.
“No, you fool, it means I love you.”
He pulled her tighter to him and kissed her again before setting her back down. He ran to her car, grabbed the box of letters and her luggage from the back seat, throwing it into the bed of his truck. Then grabbed her purse before coming back to her and sweeping her off her feet and into his arms.
“What’re you doing?” she gasped as he hefted her up and marched back towards his truck.
“I’m taking you home, Marilyn.” He put her in his truck and they drove off. On the way back to town she called Taylor, Justine, and Beau. She told them she was staying and would see them tomorrow morning at the bar to celebrate.
“Good,” he growled. “Tonight, you’re mine.”
He spent the night showing her how much he loved her, and she showed him right back.
Two months later…
Dean waited outside his study, his ear pressed to the door, his heart pounding in his chest. Honestly the first time ever she goes in there and doesn’t immediately start writing, just typical! He thought with a smile. Although it wasn’t his study anymore, it was hers since she moved in with him. Who would have thought fifteen years ago that he and Christy Lee would be head over heels in love and shacked up together, not him that’s for sure! The last two months had been the most amazing time of his life, all thanks to her.
The second he brought her back to town, she declared his home was now hers. He chuckled at the memory, although she declared it, there had been worry in her eyes that he wouldn’t feel the same. Hell, this place only felt like a true home when she was here, he had been ecstatic that she wanted to move in straight away, and he spent the rest of the night...and morning...showing her how happy he was.