Page 52 of It's Only Love

She must have noticed the expression on his face change as her smile started to fade and she tried to move off him. Just then a booming crack of thunder made them both jump and she dropped back down onto him. The room was illuminated by a bolt of lightning, and as the house plunged into darkness, the music stopped.

“Well, I guess that’s the power gone,” he said softly in the dark. After a beat, he felt Christy move off him and then a thud followed by a muttered curse and then silence.

“Have you got any candles?” he asked.

“I don’t think so,” she replied, the sound of her voice coming from the kitchen. He got to his feet, side stepping the paint pots he knew were on the floor. He could hear her rummaging in drawers in the kitchen and shuffling around.

“I can’t find any, what do we do?” she asked.

“Well, we could go to mine, I’ve got candles, a fire, and some food too. I can at least make us some sandwiches for dinner.” His heart pounded in his chest at his suggestion. He never invited women back to his house. It was meant to be his sanctuary that he didn’t parade women through, but recently he had been getting the feeling that he wouldn’t mind Christy being there.

“Do you only think about food?” she joked, trying to cover up her worry, she sounded closer.

“No, darlin’, I think about a lot of other things,” he said, his meaning clear.

“Oh,” she said quietly, “Well don’t worry about me, I’ll just stay here tonight,” she added. A flash of lightning lit up the room, showing that she was standing by the front door.

“Really? By yourself all night in the storm with nothing to do or eat? That sounds fun,” he replied sarcastically. She sighed.

“Fine, but let’s go now then, quickly before it thunders again!” She threw open the front door, the sound of the rain deafening, and she ran outside.

“Wait! I need my keys first!” he called after her, but his voice was drowned out by the pelting rain and thunder. He felt his way to the kitchen as quickly as he could, and then fumbled along the worktops in the darkness for his keys. Once he grabbed them and found a second set which were hers, he stumbled back out to the open front door and outside, closing the door behind him and locking it.

The rain was hammering down, he could barely see in front of his face. He ran down the steps and in the direction of his truck. The ice-cold rain slashing his bare chest, which served him right for not wearing a shirt, again. He saw her waiting by his truck, her arms huddled around her, she looked soaked already, he ran over to her side and unlocked the door before running around to his side and getting in.

He turned the key in the ignition and the truck roared to life. He flicked his high beams on, and the bright lights lit up the road in front of them and the cabin of the truck brightened. He turned to face Christy and saw her blond hair dripping down her face, her t-shirt was so wet it was completely see-through and plastered to her chest. The sight of her damp breasts moving up and down with her breaths had his mouth running dry. Her eyes were flashing angrily, and he grinned at her, switching on the heating in the truck.

“I did tell you to wait,” he started, but she interrupted him with a terse,

“Just drive.”

The journey to his house was, in a word, fraught. At one point his windscreen wipers were on the fastest setting and he still couldn’t see the road through the rain. He also couldn’t see the large puddles that formed in the road and a few times he swerved to miss a big one, making Christy yelp and grab hold of him, which he couldn’t deny he enjoyed. As another tidal wave enveloped the truck, she plastered herself to his side.

“This was the stupidest idea you’ve ever had,” she muttered, and he smiled at the slight tremor of fear in her voice.

“Come on now, darlin’, you can’t know that for sure,” he joked.

“And you can drop the “aw, shucks'' routine, cause I ain’t buying it!” she snapped, then tightened her grip on his arm as a huge rumble of thunder shook the truck.

“We’ll be fine, darlin’, just trust me,” he replied. After a few more minutes of driving in the worst conditions he ever experienced, he saw the turn for the road to his house, and moments later he pulled into the long driveway and killed the engine. The lights turned off with the engine and plunged them into darkness.

“We’re here,” he said, stomach clenching in anticipation, he turned to look down at her. She was closer to him than he thought, her berry and candy floss scent filling his nostrils, driving him wild as her breasts plastered to him. His need for her and anxiety over showing her his home gave him an idea.

“Uh, it’s a bit of a trek to the house, the ground will be solid mud so I can’t get the truck close enough. Might be best to wait here for a little bit to see if the rain eases off.” He felt her nod next to him, and a little thrill ran through him.

“Yes, at least it’s warm in here,” she replied.

“Exactly. Well, we best get comfortable then if we’re going to be here for a while,” he said, and reached down for the lever to adjust his seat. It slid back and he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap, so she straddled his thighs.

“What are you doing?” she asked, placing her hands on his paint splattered chest to steady herself. He reached up and brushed her damp hair behind her ear, cupping her cheek and stroking his thumb across her soft skin, he heard her breath shudder.

“Giving us what we both want, no matter how much you’re trying to fight it,” he said fiercely.

“Dean, wait,” she said, nibbling her lip and looking away, resolve filled her eyes when they met his again. “If we do this, it’s just once, purely casual. Only for tonight.”

Their lips were a breath apart, air sawing in and out of them as he processed her words before deciding that having her once was better than not at all. He nodded and then pulled her down for a brutal kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her flush against him. His tongue pressing in and stroking against hers, passion burning. The days of hot tension and need boiling up inside him and igniting.

The kiss was electric, they both fought for dominance, teeth banging, tongues stroking. It wasn’t enough, he would never get enough of her. He needed her body, needed to be inside her with an intensity that excited and terrified him. She pressed her damp, t-shirt covered breasts against his chest and rubbed her lower body against his hard cock. He swallowed her moans and tried to get himself under control, she was in danger of getting him so worked up that this could be over very quickly, again, and he couldn’t have that if it was just one time with her.