That makes one of us, can’t wait to spend the night with Boring Beau...NOT. Haaaaaa, I’m so bad! Devil emoji.
Christy snorted and put her cell away again. She didn’t know why Taylor disliked Beau so much. They had gotten on great as kids, were thick as thieves at one point. Christy got up and looked out the window. The sun was shining, it was a glorious day, so she decided to get dressed and after a very late breakfast, went for a walk to clear the cobwebs. She was gone for a while, re-exploring the forest and enjoying the fresh air. When she came back to the house, she didn’t have quite the same feeling of dread as she felt previously. Maybe the funeral had exorcised more demons than she originally thought.
She decided to treat herself to a mini pamper session in preparation for the date, she wanted to look her best for Dean Beau. She went upstairs into the guest room and began rummaging in her suitcases. Luckily, she packed quite a few things, not knowing how long she would be in town. She gave herself a mani-pedi, did a facemask and began to get ready for the date.
Christy was ready by the time Beau arrived. She answered the door and looked him over. He looked good in his baby blue button-down shirt tucked into light gray slacks. As she looked him over, appreciating the beauty before her, she waited for a spark to ignite inside her. Any heat? A shiver? Some sign of arousal? But no, her pulse remained steady. Sometimes attraction can be a slow burner, taking time to build up. It comes from getting to know a person and learning about them, their likes and dislikes. This could also be slower to flare inside her as she didn’t have much experience with men, her issues would take a lot for someone to overcome. She pasted a big smile on her face.
“You look wonderful!” she gushed.
“So do you,” he replied, giving her a once over that lingered slightly. She smoothed her hands over the fabric of her bardot summer dress. Its navy-blue skirt ended just above her knees and the top was red and white striped, very nautical themed. She wore white, open toed sandals on her feet which showcased her cheeky red toenails. She also wore a navy-blue ribbon choker that had a gold anchor charm dangling delicately from the center.
Beau offered her his arm and dropped a kiss on her cheek, and they headed down to where his car was parked. He helped her inside and as they drove off, he said, “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there yesterday; I feel terrible that I wasn’t around for you.”
“Oh, don’t be silly!” she replied.
“I had some business back in L.A. which had to be dealt with right away.”
“Really Beau, it’s fine.”
“Did it, uh, go well?” he asked nervously, “Is that even the right thing to ask?”
She laughed gently at his awkwardness, “Yes, it did thank you.” She was trying not to think about how the night ended, she was already nervous enough about seeing Dean again without remembering what a fool she had been.
“That’s good, if you want to talk about it at all, I’m here.” He glanced over at her quickly before turning his eyes back to the road. She appreciated his sweet offer, but she didn’t get the urge to discuss it with him. Opening up required trust, which had to be earned and they didn’t know each other well enough for that. She thanked him again and decided to change the subject.
“So, what are your plans? Are you just visiting for a little while?”
“I’m thinking about that at the moment, I’m definitely at a crossroads where I’ve got to make a decision. I just don’t know what that is yet, I’m hoping some time away will help,” he explained, an air of mystery about him.
“Well, if you ever want to talk, I’m here,” she echoed brightly, he flashed her a dazzling smile and reached over and patted her knee, letting his hand rest there. It was a nice gesture, his hand was strong and firm and his palm heated her knee, but again there was no spark at his touch. When she had been at the bar and Dean had accidentally touched her with his knee, she practically leapt out the booth, let alone when he purposefully stroked her knee. Warmth flowed through her at the memory and she shivered. Stop it,forget about Dean, he doesn’t want you, focus on Beau! Turning to smile at Beau, she placed her hand over his and they rode the rest of the way in comfortable silence.
The closer they got to the restaurant the bigger the pit in her stomach grew. Would Dean mention what happened last night in front of everyone? Would he tease her about throwing herself at him? What would Beau think if he heard that? What would Taylor think? They pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and Beau helped her out of the car. Just as Beau shut her door, Dean’s truck pulled into the lot. They waited for him to park up and when Dean got out, her heart stuttered in her chest as she took in his charcoal gray shirt and neat, black slacks.
His shirt fitted snugly against his torso, molding to the rows of muscle that cut across his chest and abdomen. She longed to see the view from behind, his shirt pulled tight across his toned back and shoulders, his pert ass flexing as he walked. Was he walking in slow motion? That’s not a real thing, right? Damn, he looked good in formal wear. When Dean lifted his head and smiled, a dimple popped on each side of his mouth, and she felt a sudden throb deep in her core. The feeling took her by surprise and she stumbled slightly. Beau reached for her,
“Did you trip?” he asked, she nodded, her cheeks flushing. He took hold of her hand in his, trying to steady her. As Dean walked towards them, Taylor was still sat in the truck, and when she saw Dean wasn’t coming round to open the door for her, she threw her hands up in the air and then let herself out.
“Come on, Taylor, hurry up. We’re all waiting for you!” Dean called over his shoulder, Christy bit back a laugh as Taylor flipped him off. Beau’s hand clenched around hers, she looked up and his expression was furrowed. Note to self, don’t swear at Beau’s friends, he looked hella angry.
“Christy, Beau, great to see you,” Dean said as he reached them. She said hello and noticed his eyes lingered on her, running over her body. When he finished, he scowled and looked away. What’s his problem? He’s probably wondering what on earth the ‘boner killer’ is doing with Beau, her confidence momentarily taking a knock. But she squared her shoulders remembering she was supposed to be building her confidence, not tearing it down. She didn’t care what he thought, she was a pretty great person and deserved whoever she wanted.
Taylor finally tottered over to them. Looking stunning as usual in a black, fitted bandeau dress that was cut to mid-thigh and hugged all her curves perfectly. Her long, slender legs were bare and tapered down to trim ankles, and she wore strappy black sandals. She piled her long, red hair on top of her head in a messy knot, but a few rebellious tendrils had escaped and were blowing gently in the breeze. She felt Beau shiver beside her.
“Cold?” she asked him innocently. He gave a sharp nod. “Let’s go in,” he said tersely and turned, pulling Christy along behind him.
They went inside and Christy looked around in awe at the beautifully decorated restaurant. The tables and chairs were all white with navy blue tablecloths and seat cushions. The tables themselves each held a mason jar with a white, tealight candle flickering inside and delicate string lights draped from the ceiling creating a soft, romantic atmosphere. Painted life rings, starfish fossils, and seashells decorated the walls, she felt like she was at a restaurant on the beach instead of on a lake outside a small town.
The waiter greeted them and led them out the glass double doors, onto the deck overlooking the lake. The warm evening air caressed her skin, the breeze carrying a hint of citrus from the trees. The table and chairs decor continued outside and more lights were wound around the railing of the deck and twinkled in the reflection of the water.
They reached their table and Beau pulled out her chair for her, she smiled at him as she sat down. Dean, spotting what Beau had done, did the same for Taylor who was seated opposite Christy. As Christy sat down her dress tightened across her chest, pushing her breasts up slightly, plumping her cleavage. Taylor spotted straight away and winked at her; Christy smothered a giggle as she tried to pull her dress up a bit to contain them. The waiter gave them the drinks menu and hovered to one side giving them time to look it over.
After a moment, Taylor said, “I’ll have a Nautical But Nice, please.” Fixing Beau with a sharp smile as she did.
“I’ll have Sex On The Beach,” Beau ordered, staring Taylor down, and Christy noticed her smile faltered slightly. What’s with these two? she thought, glancing at Dean to see what he would order but he was already staring at her, he gestured for her to go first.
“I also like Sex On The Beach,” she said and Taylor laughed. Christy looked at her and then at Dean whose intense gaze was making her feel all flustered. He raised an eyebrow at her and she flushed hotly. “I mean, I would also like one of those, thanks,” she added, ducking her head back into her menu.
“I’ll have a glass of your local Pinot Noir, thanks,” Dean said, surprising her. He seemed like a beer and chips kind of guy, not a wine drinker. As they all looked at their menus, silence settled around them. Dean hadn’t said anything about last night, yet. Was he going to? She felt nervous, but risked a peek at him over the top of her menu, she slowly raised her eyes and met his immediately. The lights surrounding them reflected in his blue eyes, making them appear alive with heat and possibly desire? No, must be the trick of the light. She couldn’t see the rest of his face, his menu obscured him so she couldn’t tell what expression he held. She felt awareness prickle the back of her neck and looked back down at her menu, breaking the spell.