“Yeah, why not? Hey Taylor!” he called, Taylor was showing Kayleigh how to stack glasses, she glanced over and saw Dean beckoning to her. She huffed and stomped over to them.
“We’re double dating with Beau and Christy.”
“Gross,” she said and then glared at Beau, “I’m busy anyway.”
“It’s your Saturday off this weekend, I know your shift pattern,” Dean replied with a smug smile. She huffed some more then rolled her eyes.
“Fine, but you’re paying.” And then she stomped back to Kayleigh. He chuckled at her enthusiasm, or lack of. Beau watched her leave, suddenly seeming more interested.
“Sounds great!” he enthused, echoing Dean from moments before. Dean felt Christy’s gaze boring into him but refused to meet it. He couldn’t work out whether this was the best idea he ever had or the biggest mistake he ever made.