Page 68 of It's Only Love

Chapter 23

Christywaited until she heard the front door slam, she couldn’t stomach the thought of Dean witnessing what she was about to do.

“What the hell is going on?” Beau demanded, and she told him everything. About finding those heart-breaking letters filled with love, regret, and honesty that came too little too late. Her father loved her, it was all over the pages, but he couldn’t find the courage to send them. He begged her forgiveness, begged for her love, and now she was about to beg too.

“I can’t sell this house Beau, I know it’s too late now, but I’ll buy it back from you, no matter what it costs.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I need to buy the house back, I can’t let it go now,” her voice cracked with emotion, she was barely holding it together. He looked at her like she was crazy.

“Please Beau, I’ll beg. I’ll get on my knees and beg you if I have to. I can’t let it go, my father…” she trailed off, and Beau shook his head and tried to place his hands on her shoulders. She dropped to her knees, tears spilling from her eyes.

“I will give you everything I have, whatever you want. Please don’t take this from me, I can’t leave him Beau, I can’t leave him here. It’s the last piece of him I have, don’t take it from me, I’m begging you!”

Huge gut-wrenching sobs tore from her throat as she stared up at him, his eyes wide and shocked. The more she repeated herself, the harder his expression became. She was humiliating herself, but she didn’t care what he thought, she just didn’t want Dean to witness her mortification. Beau grabbed her under the arms, hauled her up, and sat her on his lap on the bed. He tried to soothe her, but broken pleas fell from her lips, and she was powerless to stop them.

“Christy, please stop, this is killing me. You don’t need to beg. I would hand it back to you in a heartbeat, please tell me you know that?” his voice wavering slightly. She pulled back to look at him, wiping her eyes. “But I want you to think about it carefully, I’ll give you all the time in the world to think about it. Do you want the house that’s caused you so much pain? There are so many bad memories here. The letters can erase some of the hurt, but they can’t change what happened here.” He spoke gently now, she knew he wasn’t trying to hurt her, just as Dean hadn’t when he kept his knowledge of the letters from her. She tried to take a step back and think about it. She knew Beau was right, the memories weren’t good and finding those letters wouldn’t change that.

“I think it’s time for you to let this place go, end the torment, and move forward free to create new memories with those of us that love you. It doesn’t mean you lose the last piece of your father, he’ll always be in your heart.”

Her mind was reeling, he was right, she needed time to think. She and Beau spoke a little longer before he hugged her and left. She needed sleep, she was exhausted, but there was only one place she wanted to be. She grabbed her purse, got in her clapped out car and drove to Dean’s. He wasn’t there so she let herself in using the spare key, and got straight into his bed, feeling her mind calm. Tucked under his duvet, shrouded in his scent, in his home, it was like he was there with her and she was able to sort through her thoughts. Her eyes drifted closed and the last thing she thought was that she couldn’t wait to see him when she woke up.


“Are you worried you’re gonna run out? Pour me another goddamn shot!” Dean slurred at Kayleigh who reluctantly poured him another shot of whiskey.

“To getting kicked in the guts by love!” he shouted, and tipped his head back, downing the amber liquid, nearly falling off his stool as he did. Damn, these things are a safety hazard. He slammed the glass back down on the bar and gestured for a refill. He was well and truly on his way to numbing the pain, he wanted to keep going until he was ready to black out, so he didn’t have to think about her anymore. How much he hurt her and how she didn’t love him. How he would have to be happy for her and Beau, because they both deserved so much happiness.

“I really don’t think you should have any more, sir,” Kayleigh said tentatively.

“Sir?” he barked out. “I ain’t my father and I don’t remember asking your opinion, so pour me a fucking drink!” he shouted, a look of fear passed over her face and penetrated his drunken state.

“Shit, I’m sorry Kayleigh,” he said. “Maybe I am my father,” he muttered to himself. He decided it was time to go, the warm floaty feeling was kicking in, but the thought of going back to his empty house, that smelled like Christy, was too painful to contemplate.

He tried to smile at Kayleigh, but he didn’t think it was one of his best.

“Can I have my usual room, please?” he remembered to add in a please so he didn’t seem like a complete asshole, she bobbed at him and went into the office. Did she just fucking curtsy? At least Taylor was out on a date this evening, she would have cut him off immediately. A prickly sensation traveled down his spine, and moments later a cold hand settled on the nape of his neck.

“Baby!” A shrill voice squealed, “There you are, I’ve missed you!” He turned, his vision swimming from the alcohol and saw Darcy standing there. She planted a kiss on his lips, he tried to duck away, but the alcohol slowed his reflexes.

“What do you mean, there you are? I told you I wasn’t interested.” He was so not in the mood for this, she placed her hand on her hip and popped it to one side.

“I know you didn’t mean it, you were just playing hard to get, and it totally worked,” she pouted, her fake lips puckering grotesquely. God, what had he seen in her? Thankfully, Kayleigh came back and handed him the key, he thanked her, reminding himself he must apologize in the morning when he was sober.

“Oh goody, round two!” Darcy clapped.

“No thanks, I’m leaving, alone.” He fell off his stool but managed to get himself back up without too much trouble.

“Let me help you.” She grabbed at him, plastering herself to his body under the guise of trying to keep him upright.

“I’m not interested, Darcy. I told you I belong to someone else.” Even if she doesn’t want me back.

“Okay fine, I get it, at least let me help you though? No funny business, I swear.” She held up two fingers in scout’s honor.

“Bye, Darcy,” he said, tripping his way over to the door, he made it outside, but fell down the steps. He picked himself up and trudged around the back to his cabin. It took five attempts to get the door unlocked, but he finally made it inside and when he tried to kick the door shut behind him, a stilettoed foot blocked it, he cursed.

“I just want to make sure you’re okay,” Darcy said, barging into the room.