Chapter 11
Dean walked into the Rusty Bucket Inn and had a cursory look around for Beau, but he hadn’t arrived yet. He made his way over to the bar, perched on a stool, and watched Taylor serve a couple of her regulars. He frowned, noticing the dark circles under her eyes, she looked like she hadn’t slept, although he hadn’t slept much either. Every time he drifted off, a blond haired, cherub cheeked vixen invaded his dreams and did things to him that left him hard and aching when he awoke.
He couldn’t get that kiss out of his mind, could still taste her sweet flavor in his mouth and was dying for another hit. Her delectable curves pressed up against him, rubbing him just right as he swallowed her moans. He shifted uncomfortably on his stool.
She had wanted him; she just hadn’t wanted to want him. He had watched as she fought her urges. He smiled to himself as he remembered the look that crossed her face before she surrendered to him. That had been the best kiss of his life and he was desperate to do it again. Dean sobered at the thought, reminding himself that she was seeing Beau so it couldn’t happen again.
He put her in an unfair situation and he felt so guilty he told Beau straight away. He felt like a creep doing that to his friend. What had surprised him was, although Beau seemed annoyed and had told him off, there hadn’t really been any heat to his words. Dean had felt his own temper rising just seeing the looks that other men in the bar had given Christy that night, let alone if any of them had tried anything.
“Hey, Dimples,” Taylor called, and leaned over the bar offering Dean her cheek which he leant forward to kiss.
“Evening, Trouble, you look tired,” he said, and she rolled her eyes.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re too charming?” she asked dryly, but avoided his gaze, he knew her too well.
“All the time, what’s going on?”
She continued to bustle around the bar, fetching him a beer he hadn’t ordered yet and putting glasses away.
“Tay, what’s going on?” he pushed, concern furrowing his brow. He knew she wouldn’t lie to him, but he would have to press her for the info.
“I’m gonna keep asking until you fess up.”
After a moment she huffed and turned to face him.
“Just my ex, Dale, he isn’t happy about being my ex and he wants to get back together. He showed up after I closed up last night, wanting to talk and I couldn’t get him to leave.”
“What?!” Dean exploded. “Did he try to hurt you?”
“No, I was home, he tried to get in, but I locked the doors already. I threatened to call the cops and he left, it’s fine.” She shrugged like it was no biggie, but it was.
“You know I don’t like you living out here all alone and this is exactly why!” he was practically shouting, getting some looks from the other patrons in the bar but he couldn’t help it.
“This is the first time something has happened, Dean!” she replied, the volume of her voice rising to match his, she would never be outdone in an argument.
“I want you to come and stay with me okay? Pack a bag and I’ll pick you up after your shift. You know I’ve got plenty of room at the house.”
“I’m not leaving, and you have Beau staying with you already.”
“Exactly, we’ll be one big happy family.”
“No, Dean. I can take care of myself,” she said firmly.
He was torn, he knew how stubborn she was and he wouldn’t be able to force her. He didn’t want to force her, didn’t want to drive a wedge between them, he was just worried about her.
“Fine,” he grumbled reluctantly. “But if this asshole shows up again you immediately call the police and then me, you hear me?”
“Sure thing, bro.” She grinned at him. “You just stopped by for a visit?”
“Nah, I’m meeting Beau, he should be here soon, probably just got held up at Christy’s.”
He took a swig of his beer and she fixed him with a hard stare.
“I saw you. The other night, down the hallway, with her.” she said.
Dean swallowed audibly and felt himself blush, feeling like he had been caught red-handed by his mom.