“What are you talking about, what’s the big deal?”
Taylor sighed, “Just trust me, if we don’t get her out of here then all these nice people are going to find out what Thomas was really like.”
Dean felt his blood run cold, his stomach twisted, a thousand thoughts zooming through his mind, each one worse than the previous.
“What did he do to her? Why did she run away?” he gritted out; his tone deadly. Taylor frowned at him, surprised.
“We can talk about this later, just get her out of here and take her home, please?”
“Yeah, okay,” he said and went over to Christy, placing his hand on her shoulder.
“Hey Christy, you ready to go home now?” he asked gently. She slowly slid her glassy eyes to his, the color reminding him of a frozen lake.
“Dean, you made it.” Her words were slightly slurred, but she sounded relieved to see him and didn’t that just butter his cracker. As she held his eyes, the pale blue pools melted and drowned him in sorrow as they filled with tears, and her voice cracked when she spoke.
“They all love him so much,” she whispered, his heart ached for her and he turned her away from the elderly couple who looked very concerned.
“I know, darlin’, let’s get you home and put you to bed.” He tried to maneuver her towards the door, but for such a small woman, she sure was strong.
“No!” she shouted, “Everyone needs to know, I’m not the bad guy here!” she slurred loudly, glaring at him. He looked over her head, back towards the bar where Taylor was watching them. Taylor gestured to the door then held up a knife, motioning violently at him. Message received, get her out now.
“Hold on, darlin’,” he said and put his shoulder into her stomach and upended her. She squealed, then groaned as if in pain.
“I don’t feel too good.”
“Yeah I bet, it’s all that nasty alcohol. Excuse us, folks.”
He moved towards the door with her bouncing on his shoulder, his hand wrapped around her firm thigh for support, he was trying not to notice how lush and warm it felt under his grip. He managed to get them out of the bar and over to his truck, as he stopped to rummage for his keys, he felt her hand brush over his back, leaving a trail of heat in its wake.
“You okay back there?” he asked through clenched teeth, he could not deal with her getting handsy right now, because he would let her.
“So strong,” she murmured before hiccupping. He felt himself puff up with pride at her comment, and he resisted the urge to pound his chest like a neanderthal. He snagged his keys and unlocked his truck. Bending down, he placed her on the passenger seat as gently as possible. He leaned across her to buckle her seatbelt and inhaled her scent. Fuck, she smelled delicious, like berries and candy floss, and his mouth watered. Did she taste like it? The thought had heat rushing to his groin and a moan nearly slipped out from his lips but he clamped them shut. He could feel her watching him but refused to make eye contact, not trusting himself. He pulled away, shut the door, went around to the driver’s side.
He started the engine and headed towards her father’s house. After a moment of silence, she leaned across the seat and rested her head on his shoulder. He stiffened, not daring to move and jolt her. He glanced down and saw her eyelids flutter closed, more of that tantalizing scent invading his nostrils, making his mouth water for a taste. His cock started to harden in his pants. He gritted his teeth as they went over a bump in the road which tightened the material against his arousal, creating a delicious friction. It also pressed her lush breasts into his arm and he tried to ignore the heat of them, scalding him through his shirt. Although it wasn’t far to the house it felt like the longest journey of his life. She didn’t stir the whole time until he tried to get out of the truck without moving her which didn’t work and resulted in her waking.
“Where am I?” she asked, voice thick with sleep and alcohol.
“You’re home, darlin’,” he replied.
“In New York?” she asked, her voice filled with hope.
“Nope, Citrus Pines.” He came around and helped her out of his truck. “Let’s get you inside.”
“I can walk, you know!” she huffed and shoved away from him, stumbling immediately and he smothered a laugh.
“Sure you can.”
“I just require ass…assis…help from time to time,” she slurred. He put his arm around her and this time she didn’t try to remove it. He walked them towards the front door and helped her find the keys in her purse. He unlocked the door and let them in. She stumbled inside and felt along the wall for the light switch, flicked it on and he saw they were in the living room. She dropped her purse on the couch and turned to him.
“Are we going to bed now?” she asked, peering up at him with those innocent eyes and that damn sexy mouth of hers. His erection kicked in his pants because, yep it was still there. He swallowed thickly,
“I’m going to help you to bed and then I’ll leave,” he said. She looked upset and flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around him.
“No! Please don’t go! Please stay with me, I don’t want to be here on my own,” she begged. Having her body pressed against him, her soft curves fitting him perfectly, only ratcheted up his desire. She was soft to his hard, molding to him until they became one. She ran her hands up his chest and he tensed as her lower body rubbed over his erection, a flare of heat flashed in her eyes. He knew it wasn’t real though, just the effects of the alcohol.
“I can’t stay,” he choked out as she rubbed against him again.
“Please, Dean?” She buried her face in the hollow of his throat, her hot tongue licking up his neck. His hands found their way into her hair and he tangled them, fisting the soft strands. She moved her head back and looked up at him. She pulled his head down to meet her, her eyelashes fluttering closed. She wanted to kiss him, his heart pounded, and excitement rushed through his veins. No! his brain screamed, stop this before you regret it, you’re taking advantage of her!