Page 12 of It's Only Love

“I do, and I’ve been waiting a really long time to ask you,” he dropped his voice so only she could hear. She stared into those soulful eyes and realized that although she didn’t want to have a relationship ever again, nothing was stopping her from having a little fun. Perfect, she found exactly what she was looking for. Christy, meet your new, sexy distraction!

“Hello ladies, you sure are looking mighty fine this evening,” Dean’s deep, southern voice interrupted. Beau leaned away from Christy and stepped to the side, Dean came into view and clapped Beau on the back.

“Yeah, we’ve already heard that Dean, but more eloquently put,” Justine said sarcastically, hopping down off her barstool and grabbing her guitar case.

“I’m gonna go get set up, I’ll be ready in five, Taylor,” she called over her shoulder.

“Where are those drinks, buddy?” Dean asked. Although he appeared casual, the tightness of his jaw and the tension she spotted in his shoulders suggested otherwise.

“What can I say? The service here is slow,” Beau sneered, and Christy thought she heard another muffled curse from Taylor. She turned and eyed Dean again, he had his hard gaze fixed on her. Why was he so tense and angry looking and why was he trying to rush Beau? Then it clicked, he was trying to get Beau away from her, he knew Beau was still interested despite Dean’s efforts to dissuade him in the past. Christy felt anger and steely resolve fuse her spine.

“I would love to go out with you, Beau.” She put her hand on his arm, she noticed Dean gave no reaction, just turned away, Beau smiled down at her.

“Great, tomorrow night?” he asked. “I’ll pick you up at six?”

“Perfect, can’t wait.” She smiled at him.

“Your drinks, Beau, two Blowjobs,” Taylor said innocence dripping from her tone. Christy watched as she pushed two small glasses of the shot across the bar. Dean chuckled but Beau just smiled at her. He picked one up, licked the cream off the top and downed it, then did the same with the other, moaning.

“Thank you, they’re my favorite,” he said in a way that made Christy wonder if he was talking about something else entirely. Taylor’s eyes flashed and she moved away. Beau turned back to Christy.

“See you tomorrow night,” he said, dropping a kiss on her cheek then he and Dean walked away. Her eyes met Dean’s as he passed, she shivered at the intensity in their depths as they moved over her, that was weird.

“I made you one too, I figured as soon as you saw it you would want one,” Taylor sighed, placing the shot in front of her. Christy squealed, she did love whipped cream.

“Yay, I was so jealous when I saw them,” she said excitedly, swiping her finger through the cream and licking it off. After savoring the sweet taste she downed the shot, the cool Irish cream sliding down her throat. She turned to face the stage where Justine was now sitting on a stool with her guitar perched on her lap. She nodded over at Taylor signaling she was ready to start. Taylor grabbed a microphone from under the bar and turned down the lights so that the only lighting came from the candles flickering on each table. The bar felt cozy, and Christy felt a warm haze settle over her from the atmosphere and her shot.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We’ve got a very special treat for you, the radiant Justine is performing for us again.” The crowd interrupted with cheers, “You will pay attention to her, you will not talk during her performance, anyone caught talking will be removed forcefully by myself. Everyone is encouraged to dance but no dirty dancing under any circumstances, that is only reserved for me.” Chuckles sounded throughout the bar as though everyone had witnessed Taylor’s dancing before. “There will be a break after half an hour to get more refreshments, but don’t bother trying to get anything before then as I’ll ignore you. Now give it up for Justine!”

Christy cheered along with the crowd and Taylor put her fingers in her mouth, whistling loudly. Christy hopped down off her stool, then she and Taylor moved to the stage. Justine began to strum the opening notes on her guitar and the crowd fell silent, all watching her. She opened her mouth and began singing a soulful ballad, her voice exquisite and heart-breaking. Christy felt goosebumps cover her from head to toe and tingles ran up her spine. It was the most beautiful song she ever heard and it ended far too quickly.

The crowd erupted with cheers, and she glanced around to see if anyone else was as affected as she had been and saw Beau and Dean on the other side of the stage. Dean was staring at her, his gaze deep and intense again, she shivered as a wave of arousal moved through her, surprising her. What’s wrong with me and what’s his problem?

Justine started up a new song and Taylor pulled Christy away to dance to the upbeat tune. The pop song had Taylor throwing her hands in the air and wiggling her hips, the crowd was doing the same, everyone moving to the beat Justine created. Taylor whooped, and Christy laughed as she bumped her hips against Christy trying to get her to join in. Normally Christy felt clumsy and self-conscious, why wobble all your wobbly bits even more? But she was trying to become more confident and there was no one better to learn from than Taylor.

The alcohol combined with Taylor’s insistence made her give in and she swung her hips and shimmied her shoulders. Taylor spun her around and she laughed, then the song changed to a lazy, dirtier beat and she moved her hips slower, morphing into a sensual bump and grind. She closed her eyes and let the music control her body.


Dean was dying, he was burning up, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He watched Christy shake and shimmy like no one was watching. Except he was watching, his eyes drinking in the sight of her. He tried not to, but she drew him like no one else. He felt flames licking him from head to toe as he watched her breasts bounce with her movements, his mouth drying. She was wild, sexy, carefree and he could no longer deny his attraction to her, he wanted her.

She swayed her hips in a slow bump, bump, griiiind, running her hands over her body.

“Jesus,” he muttered as his cock hardened beneath the fly of his jeans, aching to get to her. Sweat beaded on his brow and he wiped it away, shifting his stance to hide his arousal. As if she knew his thoughts, she peeked at him over her shoulder. Her cheeks flushed, blond curls dancing around her face, mouth open slightly as if part way through a moan. She batted her lashes at him, and he cursed. He needed to get out of here before he did something silly, like storm over there, grab her, shove her against the wall and really make her moan.

He leaned into Beau, “shit, man, I just remembered I’ve got your hotshot friend coming to pick up his Mercedes in the morning and I need to finish working on it. I’m gonna head over to the garage, you good here?” he asked, raising his voice over Justine’s singing, earning a glare from Taylor.

“Yeah, don’t worry I’ll make my way back,” Beau replied, Dean clapped him on the back and walked over to the door. He turned back to wave ‘bye to Taylor but saw Beau had made his way over to the women and had begun dancing with Christy. He bit his cheek, jealousy lashing at him, as Beau slipped his hands around Christy’s dainty waist. It took all his willpower not to storm over there and tear them apart, instead, he banged out the door and into the humid night.