“No, really, you didn’t deserve that and I...”
“Seriously, don’t mention it,” he interrupted, panic rising in his chest. Beau shot him a questioning look.
“Oh, well thanks anyway,” she said quietly, and he felt like a jackass. She shifted from one foot to the other. Beau continued to stare at him as if he grew another head.
“Well, see you around. Was real nice to see you again, Beau,” she offered him a shy smile.
“You too, sweetheart,” Beau drawled as she walked away. Dean breathed a sigh of relief as they managed to avoid Beau asking her out.
“Asshole!” Beau hissed, punching his arm.
“Ouch, what was that for?” he asked, rubbing his arm where it started to burn.
“Were you actually just rude to that beautiful woman for no reason whatsoever?”
“She’s not that beautiful,” Dean mumbled, instantly regretting the lie.
“Are you kidding me? You blind as well as stupid? She’s beautiful.” Beau looked over at Christy as she joined Justine and Taylor at the bar. Dean saw a gleam in Beau’s eye and his heart sank.
“In fact, I’m feeling thirsty, I’ll get us some more beers, you sit tight.” Beau flashed him a shit-eating grin as he got up and swaggered over to the women.
“He’s gorgeous,” Christy sighed to Justine and Taylor.
“He’s not that gorgeous,” Taylor muttered tartly.
“Who shit in your shoes this morning?” Christy asked, and Justine snorted, both women staring at her.
“What? It’s an expression from the city,” she shrugged, patting her curls demurely. She glanced over her shoulder back at Dean and Beau, feeling slightly breathless at the sight of them together. Beau was stunning to look at, but she would be on her deathbed before she admitted to anyone that Dean was gorgeous, maybe not even then. The man, judging by his behavior just now, clearly still thought very little of her. He was rude and completely embarrassed her in front of Beau.
Her eyes shifted to Beau; he had certainly changed since she last saw him. He had a growth spurt, was likely 6’3” now. Gone was the baby fat that she found made him so adorable, hard muscle had taken its place. His dark hair was just long enough to see a faint curl forming. He had high cheekbones, with a hard square jawline that was dusted with faint stubble. A straight nose and full, wide lips, but the pièce de résistance were his eyes. They were dark, wide pools that curved upward at the edges with thick lashes. On any other male they would have looked feminine, but they softened his angular features.
“He’s definitely changed while he’s been away,” Justine said, also staring at him.
“Still got that boring, goody, goody personality though. No amount of sexy can make up for that,” Taylor grumbled.
“Oh, so now he’s sexy?” Christy teased, and Justine spun around to face them.
“Ssh! He’s coming over!” she hissed. She and Christy pretended they were deep in conversation while Taylor just ignored him.
“Ladies, looking beautiful this evening,” Beau said pleasantly looking at Justine and Christy before turning his attention to the bar.
“Oh, Taylor, I didn’t see you there,” he continued, Christy watched Justine smother a laugh behind her hand and Taylor smiled sharply at Beau.
“Can I get a couple of drinks?” he asked Taylor while smiling down at Christy.
“Of what?” Taylor snapped.
“You’re the bartender, surprise me,” he said, still looking at Christy. She thought she heard Taylor mutter asshole under her breath as she turned away to start making the drinks, but she could be mistaken.
“So, Beau, are you in town for long?” Christy asked, she glanced around him and saw Dean scowling in their direction. He probably still thinks I’m not good enough for Beau, after all this time.
“Hopefully long enough to take you out,” he replied, Christy blinked in surprise.
“Damn, that was smooth,” Justine whispered loudly.
“You wanna take me out?” Christy squeaked. Could he still be interested in her after all this time? She started doubting herself, and then remembered she wasn’t meant to do that anymore. Of course, he wants to take you out, you’re a smart, gorgeous woman, remember?! Beau leaned in towards her slightly, bringing her out of her thoughts.