Page 74 of Color of Love

“Come on, it’s getting late, and I bet the book club will have left now. I got some steaks we can throw on the grill. You like Palomas? Hil’s been making tons of the stuff.”

Blake held up his hands. “That’s nice of you, Jim but you really don’t need to do that for me.”

“I know I don’t need to, I want to,” Jim replied. Blake hesitated. “I ain’t getting any younger, son.” Jim added, giving Blake a push towards the door.

Blake smiled and let Jim push him again before giving in. They rode back to Jim and Hilda’s house in separate cars and when he walked in the front door the place immediately felt like home. Hilda took his coat and began fussing over him like she was his mom, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it a little.

Jim grilled the steaks while Hilda grilled him. He was seriously impressed with her interrogation techniques. Blake didn’t know how it happened, but he ended up telling them everything that happened between him and Justine and apologizing to Jim for his foul mood these past few days.

“Well shoot son, any old fool could see it was lady troubles,” Jim said with a tsk.

Blake snorted. He got the feeling that Hilda knew more than she let on. Not surprising considering how close she and Justine were. This time when he thought of Justine the flash of hot rage that seemed to accompany him the last few days was down to a light simmer. Then he proceeded to tell them about his mental health struggles. He didn’t flinch once while explaining what had happened to him over the years, the first time that had ever happened.

“Are your panic attacks worse right now?” Jim asked, distracting him and he nodded. “Well, I hate to say it, son, but I think you need to see this new doctor of yours before you take any more steps back. You don’t want to undo all the hard work you and Justine have done just because of your little ol’ pride.” Blake opened his mouth to protest but Jim held up his hand.

“I know you want to work with Justine but that’s not possible right now. You need some space from each other to sort out your feelings.”

“Feelings?” Blake asked, confusion clouding his features. He saw Jim shoot Hilda a look that he didn’t appreciate, because it seemed to say, this kid is an idiot.

“Jim’s right, dear. I know you don’t want to hear it, but you need to put your health first,” Hilda added. Damn, they were right. He would be stupid to hold off meeting with Dr. Hall just because his pride didn’t want to end what he and Justine had.

“Anyway, we need to get you fighting fit if you’re planning on making that bid for sheriff sometime soon,” Jim said, a twinkle in his eye.

“You think I could do it?” Blake asked hesitantly. He had been thinking about it more and more recently. The town and its residents had become such a part of him that he couldn’t imagine ever leaving. This was the step he had planned on taking way down the line when he was well again. But, who knows, maybe he could do it sooner than he thought?

“You’ll make a damn fine sheriff, son,” Jim said, and Hilda nodded in agreement. After talking until late, he finally left, both Jim and Hilda hugging him goodbye, even though he would be back in the morning to fish.

When he got home, he sat on his couch, playing with Penny, watching sports, and thinking. His mind made up, he took out his phone. He knew it was late, but he still rang Dr. Hall and left a message asking to arrange an appointment for his first session.