“Excuse me, gentlemen, apologies for interrupting but, ma’am, you’re gonna have to come with me,” Blake said, injecting as much authority into his voice as possible.
“Who the fuck are you?” Baldy spat. Justine’s eyes widened in shock when she saw him.
“I’m Deputy Sheriff Miller, that’s who the fuck I am and watch your mouth, boy,” Blake said, flashing his badge at them. Both their attitudes changed very quickly.
“What’s going on?” Justine asked, confused.
“You tell me, ma’am. What were you planning on doing with these gentlemen here tonight?”
She looked at him like he’d gone mad, and he noticed her cheeks flushing in the moonlight.
“I’m gonna need you both to step away from her, she’s incredibly dangerous,” he lied. When they didn’t move, he stormed over to her and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her roughly towards him.
“Hey man, what are you doing?” Baldy shouted, as Blake absconded with the date that he was planning to force a threesome on.
“Blake, what the hell?” she hissed at him. He looked down at her, keeping his face as serious as possible.
“Ma’am, you’re under arrest,” he said flatly, tugging her towards his cruiser.
“WHAT!” she bellowed, trying to tug her arm free but his grip was too tight.
“What’s she under arrest for?” Shorty asked, a tremor of fear in his voice.
“You boys must not be from around here. I’ve been tracking this little firecracker all over the country. You ever heard of the Manhood Mutilator?” he asked, trying not to smile as Justine spluttered profanities at him, some in English, some in Spanish. The men paled slightly.
“N…no?” Baldy said, his words shaky.
“This little filly right here is the most wanted woman in America. She lures men to her bed with her feminine wiles, acting all innocent and unassuming, lulling them into a false sense of security. Then after she has her way with them, she cuts off their…well the name explains it all.”
“Blake! What the fu-” Justine shouted at him, bucking to try and get out of his grip.
“It’s Deputy Miller, ma’am. Now turn around and place your hands on top of the vehicle,” he commanded. He peered down into her face and winked. She stared up at him quizzically but didn’t move.
“Ma’am, I’m not gonna ask you again. Turn around and place your hands on top of the vehicle.” He spun her around and she did as he asked. He kicked her legs apart.
“Are you sure about this?” Shorty asked, looking concerned.
“Blake! What the hell is going on?” Justine hissed. He leaned his weight against her, pinning her against the car and she gasped. He bent to her ear, the silky fall of her hair and the delicious vanilla and cocoa scent had him fighting a moan.
“Just play along,” he whispered, then turned his attention back to the men. “I’ve got some crime scene photos in the car if you boys wanna take a look? You’ve not eaten recently, have you?” Blake asked, wincing for good measure. Justine snorted. He had the satisfaction of watching them pale again and he started patting Justine down like he was looking for weapons.
“No, that’s okay,” Baldy said, sounding a little shaken up.
“You boys are very lucky I caught you before she managed to get you on your own. God knows what body parts could’ve been removed.” Blake shook his head and concentrated on running his hands over Justine. Her breath hitched in her throat when he brushed across her bare shoulders.
He ran his hands across her back, over the flare of her hips, taking his time, committing her body to memory. He stroked around the sides of her round ass, flaring his fingers over the firm cheeks and sliding his thumb down the crease between them.
Her sharp intake of breath drew his attention to her face. She turned to face him, her tongue darting out and swiping over her lower lip. Her eyelids fluttered closed. Fuck, was he turning her on? The thought had his cock hardening in his jeans, desperate to get to her. He should stop touching her, right now, but he couldn’t, he wanted to hear more of the delicious sounds she’d begun to make. What started out as an innocent ruse was quickly turning into an erotic body search and Blake became lost in the role of inspector.
“Blake, what are you doing?” she half moaned. He smirked at the sound of his name sighing from her lips, he wanted to hear it when she was splayed under him and he was buried deep inside her. He couldn’t deny anymore that he wanted her. It was a visceral, urgent need to have her, claim her body for his until she knew only him.
Behind her he could see the two men watching them. Dammit, he’d forgotten why he was doing this, he bared his teeth at them.
“Dude, let’s get the hell outta here!” Shorty hissed, and they both scurried off to their vehicles, tearing out of the parking lot. Blake chuckled to himself.
“You wanna tell me what that was about?” Justine asked, the moonlight catching her orange earrings. Her voice sounded a little raspier than usual and he realized he was still running his hands over her arms.
Or do you just not like men prettier than you?