He tugged her hand gently and she stopped walking and turned to him. He took in that beautiful face that brought him to his knees. A frown puckered his forehead as he spotted the dark circles under her eyes. Guilt flared in him as he thought of the full nights’ sleep he’d gotten last night, he needed to be more considerate of her restlessness at the moment. Other than those circles, she glowed brightly in the moonlight.
“I thought she just met you for a chat?” he asked.
“It’s a professional chat,” she said. “Would you want me telling everyone what you say in our little chats?” she asked, dropping her voice seductively. He smiled down at her, and she beamed at him in return. She always did that, met his smile with hers and it made him smile that much harder.
“The chats you’re referring to take place in the privacy of our bedroom. Now lucky for you, I’m a gentleman and don’t share the filthy things you say to me. But maybe Dean and Beau would like to know what a minx you are?” he teased, and her eyes widened.
“You wouldn’t?” At her horrified gasp, he barked out a laugh. He loved making her gasp, preferably in the bedroom but anywhere worked for him.
“I guess you’ll just have to convince me to keep quiet,” his voice lowered, and he drew her against him.
“Hmm, how on earth would I do that?” she replied. He pretended to ponder her question, stroking his hand up and down her back.
“Well, I have a few thoughts of my own but I’m happy to let you use your imagination,” he dipped his head down to kiss her. Just before their lips met, she pulled back, clapping her hand over her mouth. Her skin suddenly had a slight green tint to it.
“Sorry,” she said after a moment.
He sighed. “Honey, if you don’t feel up to it, then don’t sing tonight.”
“But I want to,” she pouted, and he laughed again, dropping a kiss to her forehead and her eyelids fluttered closed, she liked it when he did that.
“Okay then, but I warn you, I’m not standing in the front row, it could be a splash zone,” he joked, and she snorted at him.
They pulled apart and walked into the crowded bar. The noise immediately hit his ears and he waited for the spark of fear to follow but it didn’t. Who would have thought when he first came to town and entered this bar, nearly a year ago, that this is where he would end up? Definitely not me, he thought as a wave of gratitude washed through him. Damn, he was lucky. Sometimes he lay awake at night, not from insomnia, he didn’t struggle with that anymore, but just counting his blessings.
Thank God he’d met Justine, she was everything to him. She had kickstarted his life again, setting him on the hard road to recovery, teaching him how to control his attacks, to value himself, build himself up not tear himself down, she gave him back his self-respect. Then when she had done all that, she handed over the reins to someone she trusted.
He’d been doing great work with Dr. Hall. It was hard, and sometimes it felt like he was taking a step back, but his attacks were almost gone. He would never be cured of them, he still had anxiety, but they weren’t setbacks anymore. He could manage them now and each one reminded him just how far he had come. His mental health was strong enough now that his previous sheriff was ready to support and help Blake begin his campaign to become sheriff of Citrus Pines. It would be a long road, but he was ready to show his commitment and support to the town where he’d found his home.
Justine had also given him a new lease of life. He had love, close friends, the town, and she had also given him the chance at a dream he never thought existed for him: Fatherhood. He looked down at her, glowing with their secret, and he was so happy he could burst, so happy he could make this dream of hers come true too.
He couldn’t wait to watch her grow and to experience this journey together, she would be an amazing mom. Even now, she cradled her stomach protectively, it was wonderful to see but she wasn’t too far along and wanted to wait a bit before telling everyone. He coughed discreetly and when she met his eye he nodded to her hand. She snatched it away, shooting him a grateful smile, luckily none of their friends were paying attention.
Christy hugged Blake tightly, then drew Justine away for a chat. Taylor high-fived him over the bar, because apparently she was still a teenager, and Dean slung an arm around his shoulders.
“You ready to get your ass handed to you on the court in the morning?” Dean asked, a competitive twinkle in his eye.
“Why, is someone else playing for you?” Blake deadpanned and Dean shoved him away, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like cocky asshole under his breath. Blake laughed.
“Anyway, it’ll be two against two tomorrow, one of Beau’s L.A buddies will be joining us. His name’s Will. You’ll like him, he’s cool,” Dean added.
“Awesome, someone new to beat. Where is Beau?”
“The dude bailed on us,” Dean said, hiking a thumb over his shoulder and Blake turned to see Beau and a petite brunette seated at one of the tables by the stage.
“Got you a whiskey,” Dean said.
“Thanks man, let me just set this up and I’ll be back,” Blake said, pointing to Justine’s guitar case. He walked away, pausing to kiss Justine’s cheek and murmur in her ear. He watched as her cheeks flushed prettily and he smiled to himself as he walked away. Goddamn he was lucky.
He walked past Beau’s table then paused again.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” he said to Beau’s date, flashing his badge. “Just let me know if this idiot bothers you and I’ll have him out of here in two seconds flat,” he said, shooting her a winning smile. His eyes met Beau’s over her head and the fire in them promised Blake he would pay for that on the court tomorrow. Blake walked on, clapping Beau on the back as he immediately began explaining to his date that Blake was just kidding. Served Beau right for ditching them tonight.
Blake hopped up onto the little stage and set up Justine’s guitar and positioned her microphone for her. He stepped down again and made his way back to the bar, patting Justine’s ass as he went. She shot him a look that promised all sorts of delights when they got home later. He joined Dean, taking a sip of his whiskey as Taylor came back over.
“How’s things, Tay?” he asked.
“Fine, although I have been meaning to talk to you,” she said. He noticed she wasn’t her usual bubbly self tonight.