He worked the crowd, giving them what they wanted. She’d never seen him exude so much confidence, and the effect was breathtaking. Pride filled her up. She laughed through her tears as someone threw their underwear on stage, probably Taylor.
As the song built, everyone else melted away and it was just the two of them. Tears spilled over her cheeks as he serenaded her, but she didn’t care. When the song ended, the crowd applauded and raucous cheers abounded, but she just stood there, too shocked to move. What did this all mean? She didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. He stepped down from the stage and came to her.
“What did you think?” he asked, ducking his head sheepishly. His cheeks turned pink. He was so freaking adorable.
“I don’t understand, Blake. Help me understand?”
He pulled her into his arms and her palms naturally settled over his chest. “That was my love gesture to you. I love you, Justine. And it’s not transference, I swear to you. I’m not in love with my new psychologist. I’m just in love with you.”
She shook her head, still confused. “But…” she trailed off.
“I needed to show you what you mean to me. That I would be in the middle of a crowded room for you, that I would get on a stage for you, that I would sing a song I seriously dislike, for you. I would face my biggest fear for you, I would do anything for you. You saved me, you’re my love, my everything and I was an idiot not to see it.”
“But…” she started but he wasn’t finished.
“You broke me apart, opened me up and got me talking about my issues, you made me whole. You were my new beginning. I don’t know where I would be without you. The stars feel closer, the moon is within my reach, and I feel like I can do anything, all because of you. But more than that, you made me the man I am now, the man I wanted to be for you. You’re my family and I can’t wait to have a life with you and Penny, to have kids with you. I love you honey, not just your psychology brain, I love your independence, your authenticity, your caring nature. I just want you, in my arms, in my life, in my soul, forever.”
His words set her alight, happiness flooded her. More tears spilled down her cheeks. Was she really getting everything she dreamed of?
“Kids? You’re sure?” she asked, taking a shuddering breath, terrified she hadn’t heard him right.
“Lots of them, mini versions of us, and more foxes,” he nodded. She laughed, her hands covering her mouth in shock.
“I love you too, Blake. So much. I’m so proud of you for everything. You amaze me, and I can’t believe this is happening!” she sniffled.
He bent his head and whispered in her ear, “Am I Mr. Right?” She detected a hint of doubt in his words.
“God yes, mi amor,” she gushed, and he dipped his head, his lips slanted over hers to feed her one of those slow, lazy kisses she loved. She opened up and let him in and as he stroked her tongue against his, his moan vibrated through her. Cheers and whistles erupted around them, and they broke apart.
“I need to get you back in my bed,” he growled and nipped at her earlobe. She laughed and threw her arms around him. He hugged her tight, like he was afraid to let her go, and her heart sighed with happiness. She pulled back sharply, remembering something.
“Wait a minute, you still don’t like that song?” she accused.
He shrugged. “It’s growing on me.”
She burst out laughing again and he gripped her tighter. Then they were surrounded by their friends, the women hugged Justine while the men did a lot of back-slapping and throat-clearing, with talks of allergies and dust in their eyes before they all faced each other in a circle.
“Thank you, Taylor and Dean, for helping me pull this together and getting everyone here,” Blake said, and Justine shot them both a grateful smile.
“Are you kidding, look how many people are here? I’m gonna make a fortune!” Taylor cried, rubbing her hands together gleefully.
“Congrats, I’m so happy for you both,” Beau said, smiling at them.
“Thanks, man,” Blake replied.
“Although, I hope it’s okay, you know, that I kissed her first?” Beau had a wicked gleam in his eye. Justine watched as a deadly calm settled over Blake before he arched a brow at Dean.
“He pulled this shit with me too. I got your back, bro,” Dean said, cracking his knuckles and then both men charged at Beau.
“Men,” Christy tutted. Taylor shook her head, but Justine just watched as Blake caught up to Beau and threatened to hurt him in all the ways the government had taught him. She laughed at Beau’s horrified expression and Blake met her stare and quirked a grin at her.
Oh yes, life would be very interesting indeed, now that she had finally found her Mr. Right.
Four months later
“How’s Rebelle doing?” Blake asked, taking Justine’s hand, and leading her around the car, carrying her guitar case in his free hand and heading towards the door to the bar.
“Blakey,” she began, using the nickname she called him when she was drunk that time. He liked it, but only from her mouth. When Dean and Beau called him that, he beat their asses. “You know I can’t talk about that,” she sighed.