He pulled up outside and spotted the light on in her office, the rest of the building was dark, and his stomach dipped at the idea of being alone together. He sighed to himself, he really needed to get his mind out of the gutter. Nothing is going to happen. He got out of the cruiser and went over to try the door handle. The office was unlocked so he went in, making a note to scold her for not keeping it locked when she was in there on her own.
Ugh, where are they? Justine rummaged down the back of the couch in her office for her earrings. She’d only worn them two days ago, where could they have gone? It was her first date tonight at the bar and she needed these earrings to complete her outfit, they would look great with the white strapless jumpsuit and her orange sandals. She left the couch and rummaged on her desk, trying to see if she’d left them on the surface somewhere. Then she remembered that she’d put them in her drawer, so she wouldn’t lose them. How ironic.
She rushed around then spotted them ready and waiting for her. She was so nervous about this date, and she needed everything to be just right, including her earring choice. She slid them through her ears, picked up her purse and headed towards the door. She was already running late, and her detour hadn’t helped. She looked up and screamed when she saw a tall dark and handsome deputy leaning against the doorframe, arms folded across his chest.
“Jesus Christ, Blake!” she gasped, clutching her chest as her heart went into overdrive.
“I could’ve broken in here to attack you. You need to lock your door,” he said, his deep voice drifting over her. She glared at him, and he gave her that cocky smirk which did things to her insides. She’d barely got him out of her mind the last couple of days, thrilled with the breakthrough that they’d had this week. He was finally starting to let her in, and she could feel their connection growing, deepening.
She turned her attention back to him and rolled her eyes.
“I’ve only been here two seconds,” she told him.
He didn’t reply, instead his eyes ran over her body slowly, taking her in. The intensity of them stripping her bare and leaving her breathless, how did he manage to do this to her? Did he do this on purpose or was he like this with all women? His lady-killer good looks suggested the latter. She fought a shiver as he slowly met her gaze again, his harsh eyes melting to pools of liquid silver.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice breathy from the intensity of his stare.
“It’s stupid really but, I…uh came to tell you that I’ve had two panic attacks and during the second one I managed to stop myself from passing out,” he muttered, his voice trailing off like he was embarrassed to be telling her. Her joy exploded, and she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his.
“Oh my God, that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you!” she gushed. She felt his hands land on her hips, and he set her away from him, his grip remaining tight. She cringed internally, she’d over-stepped, she’d never done that with any other client, but he had finally made some progress and he needed to know how amazing that was. She looked up and his expression was grim, his mouth flattened into a hard line, his brows drawn in.
“Sorry, I got carried away. But you should be so pleased with yourself, that’s fantastic progress,” she said. He nodded but didn’t say anything more. He kept his hands on her hips, his grip flexing, and he held her gaze. He was so beautiful, his thick lashes casting shadows across his cheeks. She had to stop herself from reaching up and brushing a lock of curly, dark hair from his forehead. Would it feel soft? He cleared his throat and stepped back into the doorway, the moment over.
“Thanks, I just thought I’d let you know,” he said, shrugging it off. And now we’re back to him acting like he doesn’t care. This guy’s mood changed faster than she changed her panties.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” she replied, and they just stared at each other, the air around them heavy with tension. His bruising grip on her had left her pulse pounding beneath her skin, she reveled in the sensation, she’d never felt anything like this coursing through her before. Maybe she liked it a little too much? She should leave before she did something stupid, like beg him to kiss her.
“Well, I’m running late, I need to get going,” she started, hoping he would get the hint, but he didn’t move. The more she was around him the foggier her brain became. She needed to get out of here before she did something unprofessional and not only embarrassed herself but ruined her entire career. Yay!
“Where are you going?”
“I…uh, have a date tonight at the bar.”
His eyes narrowed. “With one of the guys from the other night?” he asked, or more like interrogated. She nodded, he pursed his lips and looked away, she could see his jaw clenching. Am I imagining it or does he seem mad?
“Do you like him?” he asked, the words coming out like he’d forced them through gritted teeth.
“I don’t know,” she shrugged, feeling shy.
“You don’t know?” he bit back.
“That’s right. You know I don’t have much experience with this. I’m not sure what it feels like to connect with someone, to know how much you like them or to feel passion for them,” her voice increased slightly as she became defensive. Why was he pushing this?
He took a step forward. She stepped back to avoid him bumping into her and hit the opposite side of the door frame. He took another step forward, crowding her in, his heat coming up against her. His scent enveloping her, seducing her. He leaned down, his hot, sweet breath drifting over her face.
“Passion is when you can’t be around someone without wanting to rip their clothes off. When their every movement speaks to you,” he rasped. Her hand came up against the hard wall of his chest, whether to push him back or draw him closer, she really couldn’t say. Her eyes fluttered closed as goosebumps spread across her neck and arms at the image his words painted.
“It’s longing for someone so much that you can’t make it through the day, the hour, without touching them. You would give anything to be close to them, to hear their voice, smell their scent, to taste them. It’s yearning. It’s aching. It’s agony and amazing ecstasy all at the same time. Have you ever felt that before, Justine?”
At his words she sighed, she ran her hand up his chest and around his neck, tangling her fingers in his soft, soft hair. He trailed his breath down her neck, nuzzled her gently, the scrape of his beard against her soft skin had her mouth parting in a soft moan. Heat flared between them, and she felt her core clenching, readying itself.
She needed this man to kiss her more than she needed air to breathe. Her heart pounding in her ears, she tilted her head to meet him, but he pulled back. His arms left her, his delicious heat moved away and when she opened her eyes he wasn’t even in the room. She looked out into the main office and saw him heading for the door.
“Blake?” she called, confused.
“Have a wonderful time on your date tonight,” he threw over his shoulder, then he was gone, and she wanted to collapse in a puddle on the floor.