“Not really,” Blake shrugged, and then jumped into the air, tossing the ball. It sailed through the wire basket with a swish and Beau started laughing while Dean just stared in shock as the ball bounced away.
“Fancy a game?” Dean asked, a competitive gleam lighting his eyes. Blake let out a rusty chuckle at how excited he and Beau looked. He shook his head but ducked past them both and raced after the ball. They played until they were dripping with sweat, tearing up and down the court, aggression and testosterone pouring from all three of them until no one could remember the score.
Beau collapsed on the grass next to the court, throwing his arm over his eyes, shielding them from the sun. Dean sprawled next to him, and Blake took a seat leaning back on his forearms, letting the sun caress his face. He felt pretty good. That game had worked a lot of his aggression out, now he felt chilled.
“I heard you were at Ladies’ Night with Beau here?” Dean asked after a while. Blake nodded.
“Any ladies take your fancy?” Beau asked, peeking at him from under his arm.
“Nah, I got a few numbers, but they didn’t really do it for me,” Blake replied, looking away, already knowing where this was going, his chilled vibe starting to wane.
“Not even Justine?” Dean asked.
Blake shook his head again. “You seemed to do pretty well,” he said to Beau, changing the subject. Beau shot him a devilish grin.
“Yeah, I got a few dates lined up now,” Beau replied.
“Makes a change, normally you do a lot of talking and not a lot of dating, amigo,” Dean joked.
“Hey, we can’t all find the woman of our dreams and be pathetically loved-up like you.” Beau snorted.
“He’s just mad because I stole Christy away from him,” Dean explained to Blake.
“Nah, you’re just sour because I kissed her first,” Beau grinned.
“That’s your first warning,” Dean said, holding up one finger.
Blake chuckled as he watched their easy back and forth, a pang in his chest as he realized just how much he had missed having friends.
“You gonna take your dates to the Rusty Bucket?” Dean asked, picking a handful of grass, and throwing some at Beau.
“Maybe, why?”
“Taylor will love that,” Dean replied drily, rolling his eyes.
“Well, this thing was her idea,” Beau shot back. Interesting, was there something going on between Taylor and Beau? Maybe Justine was right and nothing had happened with them? Even as his mouth opened and the words started forming, Blake was annoyed with himself. He didn’t want to show interest in Justine, it would only fan the flames, but he needed to know more about her.
“You ever date Justine?” Blake asked, trying so hard to sound casual. Beau shook his head.
“Nah man, we’re just friends. She’s an amazing woman, no doubt about it. But she’s looking for her one and only, and that ain’t me. I mean we’ve kissed but there was nothing in it,” Beau said, shrugging. Blake saw red at the image of Beau and Justine kissing, rage consuming him.
“Have you ever thought that maybe the problem is you? That’s two of our girls you’ve struck out with now. Maybe you’re just a shit kisser?” Dean taunted.
“Oh yeah, why don’t you come here and tell me?” Beau said, puckering his lips at Dean, who laughed and punched him in the shoulder.
“Tempting, but you got a little too much dick for my liking, plus, I’m about to settle down now. I got my one and only, and we’re gonna be very happy together.” A dreamy sigh left Dean. Blake looked over at Beau and raised an eyebrow. Beau just shook his head, smirking.
“If you’re interested in Justine though, I could put in a good word for you,” Dean offered and Blake sat up, fixing him with a hard stare.
“Nah, man. I’m not interested, she’s not my type,” he said, and then immediately wished he could take the words back.
“You like redheads?” Dean asked.
“I’m not interested in dating, period,” Blake said, his tone firm, hoping they would drop it.
“That’s cool, just checking, wouldn’t want an opportunity for you to slip by is all,” Dean said.
Beau laughed. “You looking to play fairy godmother now?”