Page 35 of Wicked Exile

Gertie grabbed her hands. “Thank you so kindly, miss. I needed the sleep.”

“Please let me know if I can do anything else for her. I will be sure to come back for a visit again later today.”

“Thank ye, miss.”

Gertie skirted past her and went into the room.

Juliet waited a long moment, listening through the door to hear if Gilroy turned on Gertie as he had on her.

No voices. Gertie must know well how to manage herself around Gilroy.

Exhaling a sigh, Juliet started walking, not sure where she should head to. Evan hadn’t gotten a chance to show her about the castle last night and she needed her room—a bed.

As a footman had brought her to Nessia’s chamber in the dark the previous night, Juliet had to wander along the corridors for a spell before she found the main staircase.

Reaching the main level of the castle, she aimed for the library, peeking into room after room, hoping to find Evan.

Just as she opened the door to the third room on her right side, he appeared in the hallway and walked over to her. Slipping his hand along her neck, his thumb gently nudged her chin up to him. “You look like you haven’t slept even an hour.”

“That would be generous.”

Concern edged his grey eyes. “Ness is not well?”

“Delirious, though it is understandable. Even with no fever, she mumbled nonsense all through the night, though I could not get her to drink or sip any broth. Her maid is with her now.”

“Thank you for that.”

“It was what little I could do for her.” She glanced over her shoulder, looking in the direction of the stairs. “Your brother must be rather upset at the loss of the babe.”

“Why do you say that?”

“He came in Nessia’s room and was rather…vicious in kicking me out of there. Did I offend him last night?”

A flicker of anger flashed in his eyes. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“No, nothing like that. And he’s still drunk. The anger in him is ferocious.”

His hand dropped away from her neck. “Don’t worry about Gilroy. He’s offended by everyone.”

Her lips curling into a frown, she nodded. Evan’s dismissal of Gilroy’s anger told her he must be far more accustomed to his brother spewing hatred at everyone about him. “But it seemed to be more than just anger, he—”

“My brother is fine, Juliet.” His words came out clipped, jagged edges slicing into her. “I’ll not hear it about him.”

Her head snapped back, her eyes widening.

His look immediately softened and he set both of his large hands on either side of her cheeks. “You must be exhausted. Grandfather has been itching to get you alone to himself—or to at least dine with you, but I’ll put him off for the day while you get some sleep.”

“Thank you. That would be helpful.” Her forehead furrowed at the lightning-quick change in him and she stared up at him.

He stared back, silent moments ticking by. Finally, his brows lifted. “What?”

“I have no idea where I should sleep.”

He chuckled. “Of course, sorry. When I checked into Ness’s room last night, she was sleeping and you were still so I didn’t want to disturb you if you had fallen asleep. I don’t sneak well into rooms.”

She laughed.

He motioned to the doorway. “Come, I’ll show you to your chamber.”