Page 58 of Wicked Exile

He pulled up slightly from her lips, his breath a soft caress across her skin. “So what do we do about it?”

“I don’t know.” Her eyes opened to him, truly at a loss.

“I don’t either.” He gave a slight shake of his head, looked to step away, but then his head dropped, his lips finding her neck, tasting her and sending all her nerves to spike. “But this…this seems right. It always does. ’Tis too hard stepping away from you even when I ken I should.”

Her head stretched to the side, giving him better access to her neck, and she exhaled breath she didn’t know she held. “Too right. And that is the problem.”

“Does it need to be a problem?” The low words vibrated along the nerves on her neck.

She wasn’t sure now was the time to be honest, not with her hands already slipping under the lapels of his tailcoat, tugging it off of him. Unbuttoning his waistcoat. He’d told her how they could divorce—given her the keys to leave. She could always walk away, just as planned. But she didn’t need to walk away tonight.

Her hips leaning into him, she wrapped her arm about his head. “No. Not a problem. Not tonight. Not in this moment.”

His hands were already working free the ribbons along the back of her dress, loosening it as his mouth trailed further downward. Her sleeves, her bodice disappearing from her skin and he freed her breasts to the air, his mouth clamping onto her right nipple, his tongue swirling.

She buckled slightly at the pangs of pleasure shooting down to her core. How he could do that, send her folds to pounding, pushing her to the edge of coming with just a few swipes of his tongue was the work of the devil.

No man should have power over her like that. Except he did. He did because she gave him that power. Gave it to him willingly because she’d begun to need this. His mouth, his tongue on her. His shaft deep inside of her. Her body under his control, even as he let her do what she wished to his.

Her dress, chemise and short stays slipped farther down her body, his big hands tugging the fabric past her hips until all of it dropped to a puddle about her bare feet.

His lips followed the path of her dress, along the side of her ribcage, moving inward over her abdomen to the sensitive spot just above her hip bone. The touch of his fingers drifted up her outer thighs until he clasped both of her buttocks in his hands, holding her steady. Steady, for in the next instant his mouth swooped inward and his tongue delved between her folds. Deeper he went, his lips exploring until he found her nubbin, flickering it with his tongue.

She bucked at the touch, a raw mewl ripping from her throat as she buried both of her hands into his hair.

A swirl followed by a hard suck, back and forth, her body wrenching uncontrollably with every swipe he made. The only thing keeping her upright was his grip on her backside holding her tight to his mouth.

Her body dangerously close to the edge, she tore her hands away from his hair and found his shoulders, pushing him back, almost violently to get him to stop. Licking his lips, he looked up at her, the blue flecks in his grey eyes steaming. Nothing had ever made her want him more.

“No.” She managed to choke out words through the haze of pleasure flooding her body. “You inside me.”

A lascivious chuckle cut a smile across his face and he stood, tearing off his waistcoat and shirt as she frantically unbuttoned his trousers and sent them to the floor.

His clothes gone, he yanked her up from the floor, carrying her over to the bed, and he launched the two of them onto the mattress.

His knees nudged apart her legs as his mouth descended, finding her neck again just as he slammed into her. So full, the girth of him pounding with blood, he pulled out and crashed into her again.

The start of the end was on her in an instant, the mania surging through her body in a frenzy. He paused his strokes for one agonizing second and reached down to grab her calf, and he pulled her leg up high, wedging it against his shoulder.

Access even deeper into her, his name rumbled from her mouth as he drove his cock into her, the gyration against her sex splitting her in two. Heaven and hell. Darkness and light. Pleasure and pain.

And he was still going, unrestrained, the wrath of his body stroking in and out and pushing every one of the waves hitting her to new heights.

Until a scream crested on his lips and his face turned to agony as he pulled out of her. She was ready, her hand clasping onto him as he withdrew, tightening on his shaft as he exploded, his body shaking.

Wicked waves rolling over both of them, they were still, their bodies entangled, gasping for breath. Long. So long until he collapsed down onto her and immediately rolled over, his arms clasping about her and dragging her on top of him, refusing to let her body leave his.

She buried her face into his chest, into the scent of him, for lingering minutes as her breathing paced its way back to normal, her folds still twinging in sporadic shocks of pleasure.

That he had pulled out told her volumes—for as much as Evan might fancy entertaining the idea of a real marriage, he was only willing to go so far. He wasn’t about to chance a child, much less commit to what they could have.

Her chest tightened at the thought. For the tiniest moment, she had been there, hoping. Hope that never should have surfaced.

His hand tangled in her hair, he combed the locks with his fingers. “Would this be so bad, Juliet?”

“What?” She shifted her head to lay her cheek on his skin, watching her fingertips trail along his chest, swirling circles from scar to scar. At least she had his body—for the time being.

“This. Us.” He heaved a sigh, her head riding his chest as his lungs expanded under her. “Keeping that oath to my brother to never marry, to never sire children—I don’t know if it is right.”