Page 69 of The Soul of a Rogue

The first glimmer of sanity flashed in her eyes in her next blink. But she still fought him, refusing to look at him, only looking at the inert bodies about the room.

“Stop your mind. Stop your body, Elle.” He dragged her closer to him. “Look at me. Only me. Look at me. You’re safe. You didn’t kill anyone. We did that. Des and Weston and me. We did that. Not you.”

Her head quivered and she looked to her right, finding Des. “Des.”

“Stay with us, Elle,” Des said, his voice uncannily even for a man that had just sliced throats.

She blinked, her gaze unfocused as it went back to Rune. “I’m safe?”

He nodded, his stare locked in hers. “You’re safe. You just need to be still and stay with us. We’re getting out of here.”

She nodded.

Rune wrapped her in his arms, tucking her along his side as he followed Des out the door. Weston stepped in line behind them, always protecting the back.

Good men, the both of them. They always had been.

Exiting the stairwell into the main drinking room of the Den of Diablo, Hoppler intercepted them.

Des instantly pulled a blade, ready to fight their way out of the room.

Rune grabbed his forearm before damage could be done. “Not necessary, Des. Hoppler has no quarrel with us.”

Des looked back at Rune, his hand still gripping his blade at the ready and disbelief in his hazel eyes. Des had always been too cautious. Des had also saved his life so many times he’d lost count. Tonight would just be added to the list.

Rune’s look swung to Hoppler. “We’re taking the box.”

“Take it.” Hoppler shrugged. “I don’t need it—I build my own empire. Plus, you just removed one nagging detail I needed to get out of my life.”

Rune flicked his head backward. “You already saw Gatlong out in the alley?”

“I did. His body is dropping into the Thames at this very moment.”

Rune inclined his head to him. “Where is the box?”

Hoppler nodded with his head to the end of the bar balancing three kegs atop.

Rune spotted the box, stuck between two of the big barrels and his gaze swung to Hoppler. “You left it out in the open?”

Hoppler’s hands flew up. “It’s where you left it. I wasn’t about to touch the blasted thing. ”

Rune looked to Des. “Des, can you grab it?”

Des nodded, going to the bar and grabbing the box, then sinking it into an inner pocket of his coat. He still hadn’t sheathed his dagger.

Rune’s gaze swung back to Hoppler. “We’re even?”

Hoppler’s head cocked to the side. “For now.”

That was all he’d ever get out of Hoppler. It was enough.

Pressing Elle even harder into his side, Rune started to walk past the tables scattered in the large room, but then stopped, looking back to his old friend. “Oh, and, Strider, do I already know what he had on you?”

A smile appeared, an aberration on Hoppler’s face. “I tell you, and you become a detail I have to take care of as well. So no, I’m not about to admit to anything, my friend.”

Rune nodded and moved to follow Des through the drinking room of the gaming hell. He walked out the front door with Elle tucked tightly to his side.

A half hour ago he was positive he was about to finally meet death.