Page 91 of Renegade Biker

Carter slapped Jayden on the shoulder, then gave Tammy a kiss on the cheek. “You got a good one there, you know?”

“Yes, I know.” She smiled at her husband, who was being bear-hugged by Taff.

“We should get that beer flowing,” Hudson announced. “Make this a real celebration.”

A gruff whoop rang out, and the crowd moved over the beach to where two dozen coolers were overflowing with beer and ice.

“Good fucking plan,” Jayden said, running his finger around his collar. “Damn hot out here.”

“Tammy.” Belle grabbed her hand and tugged her aside.


“Er…” Belle grinned and glanced at Leah, who was looking their way. “Leah and I, we…”

“What?” Tammy asked again and laughed.

“We bought you a wedding gift. An unconventional one.”

“Thank you … I think.”

Belle giggled. “It’s in your bedroom, waiting for you. Open it when Zak isn’t around.”

“You’ve got me curious.”

“Good, you should be.” She gave a wicked grin. “Come on, I need a drink.”

Three hours later and full of pizza and beer, Tammy saidgoodnight to Zak as he headed off with Sarah, Mike, and Caleb for a sleepover.

“He all good?” Jayden asked her.

“Yes, he’s had a fun day. Everyone is sweet with him, Brooklyn especially.” She glanced at Brooklyn, who appeared deep in conversation with Hudson. It seemed a little heated with hand gestures and frowns. “What are they talking about?”

“No idea.” Jayden shrugged.

“Hudson never tells me anything about their relationship. They seem like a couple, yet they’re not.”

“Perhaps it’s too soon for her. Carter’s pop has only been dead a few years.”

“I guess.” She paused. “I’d like Hudson to find happiness with someone, the way we have.”

“Maybe that’s what they’re talking about.”

“Mmm, could be.”

“But that’s no concern of mine,” Jayden said. “What I’m interested in is consummating my marriage.” He pulled her close, his arms thick and solid around her waist.

“Is that right?” She set her hands on his chest.

“Yeah, we ain’t properly married until we’ve fucked.”

“So romantic.”

He laughed. “C’mon, the Barbarians have taken off. Let’s go in and lock the door ’til morning.”

“Good idea.” Her body tingled, the way it always did when she thought of sex with Jayden.

She raised her hand in Hudson’s and Brooklyn’s direction. “Good night,” she called. “Thanks for everything.”