Page 89 of Renegade Biker

She held his eye contact, knowing he meant it. Knowing he did see her as a beautiful woman. “Thank you.”

Hudson took her hand from his arm and set his attention on Jayden. “My niece is very precious to me,” he said gruffly. “You should know you’re the only guy I’m happy to give her to.”

“You have my word I’ll treat her right and make her happy, boss.” Jayden gave a curt nod.

“I know you will.” Hudson smiled suddenly and squeezed Jayden’s shoulder. “Now get on and marry her.”

A ripple of laughter went around the crowd. When everyone had quietened, whether sitting or standing, the officiator opened his book.

“Thank you for gathering today to witness the marriage of Jayden Moritz and Tammy Wearing. The couple has written their vows, so I’m going to hand this straight over to them. Jayden.”

Jayden took a deep breath and then turned to Zak. “The vows, little guy.”

Zak dug into his pocket and withdrew a folded-up sheet of paper.

“Thanks.” Jayden unfolded it. “Tammy.” He paused, took another deep breath. “You know I’m no poet, or even much of a reader, so letting you know how I feel about you won’t always be rainbows and butterflies, hearts and flowers. But what you should know is I’ll always be here for you, I’ll always be on your side, and I’ll always put your, and Zak’s, happiness first. Because when you’re happy, when I see you smile, hear you laugh, then I’m happy.” He pressed his hand to his chest, flattening his shirt to his pecs. “My heart belongs to you, today, tomorrow, forever.” He folded up the paper and shrugged. “That’s it, that’s my vows.”

“Whoot, way to go Shakespeare.” Wyatt laughed.

“Shut up, prick,” Jayden said with a grin.

“I loved it,” Tammy said, reaching for the vows that Zak was flapping toward her. “Now my turn.”

She set down her shoulders and remembered what Leah had told her about not rushing. “Jayden. When I first saw you, I turned around and walked the other way. You looked like every kind of wrong and a badass to go with it.” She paused as a few of the bikers sniggered. “But very quickly, I realized you were actually right, right for me, that is.” She paused and took a deep breath, filling her lungs with sea air. “It’s no secret I’m here because I needed a new start, but what I hadn’t expected was to find love, to find a man who would finally show me what it feels like to be treated and loved the way every woman should be treated and loved.”

Jayden took her hand.

She drew strength from his touch. “I once read that marriage is like two pillars holding up the same roof, equal responsibility, equal respect, and a mutual goal. And I think we’ll stand up to the challenge of that.” She lifted her eyes from the paper and stared into Jayden’s. “I think we’ll stand up to all thechallenges life throws at us. Together, we’re stronger, together, we’re a team, and I send thanks to God that He crossed our paths when he did. That you came into both of our lives when we needed you most, and now, we don’t ever want to be without you. I love you, Jayden.”

“Fuck.” He dropped her hand and pulled her close. “I love you too.” He set his mouth over hers and kissed her deeply.

The bikers cheered.

“Hey, wait, it’s not that time yet,” the official said.

Jayden pulled back. “So make it that time.”

“Do we have the rings?”

“Ah, yes.” Jayden released her and turned to Zak. “This is your big moment, kid.”

Zak scrambled in his pocket and drew out a small velvet pouch. “Here they are.” He handed them to Jayden.

“Perfect.” Jayden ruffled Zak’s hair as he beamed up at him.

“With this ring,” the official said, “I thee wed.”

Jayden repeated the words and then slipped the delicate white gold band onto Tammy’s finger.

Tammy went through the same ritual, slipping a thicker ring on Jayden.

“Now,” the official said, “I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

The crowd cheered and wolf whistled.

Tammy was swept up in Jayden’s arms as he kissed her thoroughly. Her heart was soaring, her soul so full of love she could almost burst. She clung to him. Her new husband was everything she could have ever dreamed of.

“So how do you feel, wife?” he murmured against her lips.