Page 86 of Renegade Biker

“Jayden.” Hudson curled his hand over Jayden’s shoulder and glanced across at Tammy and Zak. “Cool it, son.”

“I ain’t cooling it. This motherfucker has been pounding on an innocent woman and her kid. It’s time for a judgment, time for payback, and I’m the one who’s gonna deliver that.”

“No.” Hudson shook his head. “You can’t.”

“Don’t fucking tell me what to do. This is personal.”

“Jayden.” Hudson leaned closer to him. “Think about it.”

“I am thinking about it. And what I’m thinking is I want to sink a bullet into this asshole’s brain.”

“If you want a relationship with that kid over there,” Hudson said, “then you can’t shoot his father. There’s no coming back from that. Especially if the kid witnesses it.”

“He deserves to die.”

“I’m not disputing that.” Hudson wrapped his hand around the barrel of Jayden’s gun. “And he ain’t going anywhere, so let it go. Let your Barbarian brothers deal with this.”

“I want him to burn in hell for what he’s done to her.”

“And he will.” Hudson moved the gun so it was no longer in Gary’s mouth.

Jayden straightened and let the gun hang at his side. He looked over at Tammy and Zak and pulled in a deep breath. He nodded, once.

“Right. Come on, prick. You’ve got a date with the Barbarians. Ain’t you lucky.” Carter grabbed Gary’s right arm.

Wyatt captured his left.

Between them, they dragged him to his feet.

“Get off me. I’m calling the cops. I—”

“Shut the hell up.” Carter punched him square in the face. A tooth flew to the right and pinged off the upturned bowl on the floor.

Tammy clutched Zak closer, keeping him spun him awayfrom the scene.

“Get him outta here,” Hudson said, his voice a low growl. “I’ll meet you at the compound. It’s retribution time.”

Taff appeared, a smoke dangling between his lips. He grinned at Tammy then shoved Gary in the back, propelling him to the door. He let out a wild cackle.

And then Gary was gone from her home.

As were all the bikers except for Hudson and Jayden.

Jayden shoved his gun into the back of his waistband and ran his hand through his hair. He blew out a long breath.

Zak wriggled wildly, and Tammy had no choice but to put him down. He raced to Jayden, hurling himself into his arms.

And Jayden’s arms were open for him. He lifted him, letting Zak wrap around him and press his face to his neck. “You okay, little guy?”

Zak nodded and buried closer.

Tammy rushed to him, needing to feel Jayden’s arms around her. “I thought he was going to hurt you.”

“That was never a danger.” He held her tight, huddling her into his embrace with Zak. A three-way hug. “But did he hurt you, babe?”

“No, no, I’m okay. He just scared me.”

“Your neck, the knife. I swear if he—”