Page 9 of Renegade Biker

She was so fragile, even her voice sounded like the finest china, on the verge of breaking with each word she uttered.

Jayden decided not to push for more information … for now.

“I fixed the roof,” he said, “there was a leak.”

“Thank you.” She stepped into the house, still holding her son’s hand.

Immediately, she pulled the curtains, blocking out the incredible view of the sun setting over the ocean. She fussed,making sure there wasn’t even a crack in them.

“This is very kind of Hudson,” she said, giving the place a cursory glance. “Can you tell him I said thank you?”

“You can tell him yourself. He’ll come around tomorrow. See how you’re settling in.”

“And the key?”

“In there.” He nodded at a bowl on the table.

She took it. “Thank you for what you’ve done. Goodbye, Jayden.”

Wow, she wanted to be rid of him fast. Tough. He wasn’t ready to leave. “You haven’t seen the place yet.”

“I don’t need to. I just need doors that lock.”

“Ah, okay. Well, they lock just fine.” He took the key and after shutting the door, locked it.

“Please…” Her bottom lip trembled. “I…” She pulled Zak closer to her side. “Don’t…”

Ah, fuck. He’d gone and scared her. He felt terrible. But she’d just said she wanted the door locked. He’d only done what she’d asked. “I ain’t gonna hurt you,” he said with a frown. “Only losers and assholes hurt women and kids.”

“What’s an asshole?” Zak asked.

Tammy said nothing.

“A bully,” Jayden said. “Bullies are assholes. Don’t be a bully, kid.”

“I don’t want to be a bully or an asshole,” Zak said seriously.

“Shh.” Tammy squeezed his shoulder. “Don’t say that word.”


“No, the other one.”

“Okay, Mommy. I won’t say asshole.”

“You wanna drink?” Jayden laughed and stepped into the kitchen. The kid was cute. He opened the refrigerator. “I pickedyou up a few groceries.”

“Why?” She still hadn’t moved. “Why would you do that?”

“Your uncle asked me to.”

“You always do what he tells you?” She tipped her head and studied him with a curious glint in her eye.

“Yeah, that’s how the club works.” He took out the milk. “Come get a drink, Zak.” He reached for a glass and poured.

Zak was standing at his side and took the milk eagerly. He drank noisily, and when he’d finished, he had a milky white smile.

“Good, huh?” Jayden said.