Page 78 of Renegade Biker

“I sure will. You have a nice day now.” Jayden revved the engine.

Tammy wrapped her arms around him, relieved to be away from the cop, but more anxious than ever about the time.

“We’re going to be late,” she called over his shoulder as he pulled away.

“Only by a few minutes. Be cool.”

But she couldn’t be. Zak would be worried when she wasn’t there, and his stability and happiness was her toppriority.

Eventually, they arrived at the school, but they were fifteen minutes late and the entrance was practically empty of parents and children.

She climbed off the bike, shoving her helmet toward Jayden. “Where is he?”

“Probably inside with a teacher. Go get him, I’ll wait here.”

She dashed through the gates, sweat peppering her brow. Her arms ached to hold him, to tell him she was sorry for making him wait.

Pulling open the wide, wooden door, she ran straight into Sarah. Behind Sarah was the principal.

“Tammy,” Sarah said. “I just tried to call you. I—”

“Where’s Zak?” She was breathless.

“It’s come to my attention,” the principal, Mrs. Levy said, “that his father picked him up today.”

“His father?” A flood of fear gripped Tammy. Her chest tightened, and she spun to the door again, pulled it open.

This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be Gary.

She ran onto the path, looking around frantically. Jayden was standing at the gate now.

“Tammy.” Sarah rushed after her. “I didn’t know what to do. Zak ran out of the school, he shouted to this man, called him Daddy and hugged him.” She looked at Jayden. “I … I didn’t know what to think, what to do. I tried to talk to Zak and this man, but—” She ran her hand over her hair and frowned. “I’m so sorry. I quickly went to get Mrs. Levy but when we came out, they were gone.”

“Can you…” Tammy paused, her mouth dry, throat tight. Her knees were weak. “Describe this man?”

“Average height, strong looking, gym buff, you know. Brown hair going a bit thin.” She tapped the top of her head. “Hewas in jeans and a Yankee t-shirt.”

“Oh, God.” She was going to be sick, she was sure of it.

“What is it? What happened?” Jayden was at her side, his arm around her waist.

“It’s Gary. He’s got Zak.” Her voice shook.

“Jesus fucking Christ.” Jayden tensed. “Son of a bitch.” He glanced at the principal. “And you let the kid go with him? With someone his mother hadn’t pre-approved to collect him?”

“It all happened so fast, and I was inside, and…” Her words trailed off.

“Is it his father?” Sarah asked. “This man? I mean, I thought Jayden—”

“Yes, that’s his natural father, and he’s a violent asshole. I’m divorcing him.” Tammy’s legs twitched to run, to find Zak, to search every building for miles around until he was safe in her arms again. “We’ve got to find him.” She gripped Jayden’s cut. “We have to.”

“And we will. Don’t panic.”

“I’ll go and alert the sheriff.” Mrs. Levy turned.

“No!” Jayden called after her. “No cops. I’ve got this.” He pulled out his phone. “I mean it.”

“But, it’s protocol, and—”