Page 33 of Renegade Biker

“I haven’t got the answer to that, but an attorney will have. We’ll find you one. A great one. Or…”


“Or you might become a widow.”

“Jayden. You can’t mean…” She shook her head. “No matter what he’s done—”

“You think that way because you’re a fine, upstanding person, but me…” He grinned suddenly. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a rough-as-fuck biker, and if necessary, I’ll take the law into my own hands and sort it out with God and the Deviland whoever else is there waiting for me on the day I die.”

His dark, scary words sank into her brain. Words she couldn’t imagine saying. They were so different, she and Jayden—from different worlds and with different beliefs. So why did they feel so good together? Was it simply a case of opposites attracting, or was there more?

Had God crossed their paths for a reason?

Chapter Eight

Two days later, when Tammy and Jayden walked to get Zak from school, he came running out of the gate with a friend. Both beaming, both holding colorful paintings.

“Mommy, Jayden, look,” Zak called, flapping the large piece of paper. “I drew another wolf. So did Caleb.”

Jayden stooped and took hold of the painting. “It’s great. Picasso should be scared.”

“Who is Picasso?” Zak asked.

“An old dude who can’t paint as good as you.” Jayden ruffled his hair. The kid amazed him. He was always ready with a smile, and he was full of questions, a sponge wanting to soak up the world around him.

“Mrs. Rocket, can Zak come play at my house?” Caleb asked, looking up at first Jayden and then Tammy.

“I’m sorry, but no,” Tammy said.

Zak’s little face fell, his smile dropping.

Jayden held back his words. Why couldn’t the kid go play with his new buddy?

“Hello, I’m Sarah, Caleb’s mom.” A woman with a short black bob wearing jeans and a t-shirt withHappy Dayswritten over the front smiled at Tammy. She kept the smile in place as she turned to Jayden, though her eyes were wary. “Seems the boys have made firm friends. I’m so glad you moved to the area. Caleb was a bit of a loner before.”

“Thank you,” Tammy said, then looked at her feet and shoved her hands into the pockets of her jeans. “I’m pleased they’re friends too.”

“Zak is more than welcome to come and play for a few hours. I’ve got pizza for dinner, if he likes that.”

“I love pizza.” Zak clapped and jumped on the spot.

Sarah smiled. “We live on The Strand.”

“Yeah, we know that,” Jayden said. “Seen you walking to school.”

Sarah looked at him again, warily. “Caleb would really love for your son to see his LEGOs collection.”

Jayden didn’t correct her. Instead, he looked at Tammy. “I can’t see that it would hurt.” He knew full well a battle would be raging inside of her. She liked Zak close if he wasn’t at school.

But kids should hang out with their buddies. Goodness knows, it was all he did growing up.

“The Strand,” Tammy repeated.

“Sure, not far from you, I don’t think. Seen you a few times. Great walk to school, huh, along the beachfront?”

“The best.” Tammy smiled, but it was forced.

Caleb wrapped his arm around Zak’s shoulders, going for a casual look. “I got Harry Potter LEGOs.”