Page 4 of Renegade Biker

“Is he close by, now, this minute?” Hudson asked.

“He’s asleep, upstairs, I’m hiding in the basement with Zak. We can’t be here when he wakes up … we just can’t. I just know he’ll…” She stifled a sob and pulled Zak closer. He was looking up at her with wide eyes. “Can you hear me, Uncle Hudson?”

“Yeah, doll, don’t worry. I hear you.”

“Can you help? Please? I have no one else to ask, and you gave me your cell number and…”

“Get yourself on a Greyhound with whatever you can carry, and the little guy, and once you’re in California, I’ll get you set up. Don’t worry about money, not for a second. You gotta get outta there.

“I’ve got some money, for the bus fare. But then I—”

“This asshole won’t bother you again. That’s a promise.”

“I’m sorry to do this… I have nowhere else to turn, nowhere to go … and … thank you.”

“Don’t mention it, you’re family. I’ll see you very soon.Have a good trip.”

He hung up. A few seconds later, an address flashed through.

1983 The Strand. LA.

Staring at it, she allowed a breath of relief to leave her body. She had a destination at least. A destination in another state. Each mile she put between herself and Gary would be a weight off her shoulders.

All she had to do was get out of the house and to the bus station.

Easy, right?

She wasn’t so sure.

“I think Daddy is asleep.” Zak raised crossed fingers.

“Me too.” She held his shoulders and made him look at her through the shadows. “Now this is really important so listen to me good, right?”

He nodded.

“We have to be quiet as mice, quieter than mice, when we go out of here.”

He nodded again.

“And we’re getting two things, Bilbo from your bedroom, and my purse from the kitchen, that’s it. Then we’re going.”

“Going where?”

“To the bus station.”

“To catch a bus?”


He was quiet for a moment. “Can we get two other things?”

“Not really, baby, we have to go before Daddy wakes up and is angry again.”

“But—” He looked at his bare feet. “I can’t go to the bus station without my shoes.”

“No, of course, you’re right. We’ll both get our shoes, butnothing else.”

“My coat?”