Page 28 of Renegade Biker


“But nothing. School’s got your cell.”

“I can’t, I…”

“Give me one reason.” Whatever she dreamed up he wasn’t having it.

“I don’t want to be seen. What if…?”

“What if Gary, by some miracle, has figured out where you are? Huh, I hope he has, you know it would make my damn day.” They stopped at the bike.

She was looking at the ground, using the toe of her sneaker to poke at a weed growing from a crack.

“Hey, he won’t see you. Where we’re going, it ain’t busy.”

“I’m not sure, I should clean up in there. It’s Hudson’s place, and—”

“The place is spotless. That’s all you’ve done all week.” He opened his bike box. “Here, you can even wear a helmet.”


“No more buts. Put it on.” He didn’t want to bully her, no way, but the woman needed some sun on her face and some fresh air.

“I’ve never…”

“Been on a bike?” He grinned. “It’s about time you did. Fucking awesome.” He bit on his bottom lip. Damn it, he wasn’t good at this not-cursing thing. The words kept slipping out.

“You won’t go too fast?”

So, she was coming around to the idea then. “Nah, it’s about the journey, not the speed.” He pulled on his own helmet. “Hop on behind me.” He swung his leg over and plugged in the key.

“What just … sit there?”

“Yep, just sit there. But make sure you hold on.” He patted his abdomen. “Hold on to me.” Of course, she could grip the bar behind her, but Jayden wanted her close. He wanted tofeel her pressed against him. Holding her in the kitchen that morning. Catching a glimpse of the vibrant, sexual woman that was buried deep had stirred a yearning in him for more of her.

The helmet looked too big on her small head, and her eyes were wide with apprehension, but she climbed on and slipped her arms around his waist.

He clasped his hands over her linked fingers. “Hold on real tight.”

Kicking up the stand, he revved and then pulled forward.

She tightened her grip, her chest pressed against his cut, and her helmet touched his.

He grinned and headed along The Strand, took a left at the end, then a right to avoid a spot where he knew cops hung out. After that, he headed inland. He took it easy, not letting rip the way he normally would, and he slowed for corners.

“You okay?” he asked after a few minutes.


“Enjoying it?”

“Yes. Is this how you usually drive?”

“Hell no.” He laughed. “But you’re not ready for that.”

“Try me.”

“What?” He half turned but then quickly put his attention back on the road.