Page 24 of Renegade Biker

“He’s a biker kid now?” She resumed stirring.

“What do you think?” He sat back and sipped his coffee. He loved that Tammy gave him grief about stuff. Smoking too much, cursing in front of Zak, and now giving the kid temporary tats.

“Go pack your bag for school,” she said to Zak, “then come and eat.”

Jayden wandered into the kitchen and poured himself another coffee. As he sipped it, leaning against the counter, he watched her moving around, preparing a lunch box, pouring juice, toasting bread, and serving the eggs. The coffee was hot, so he set it aside.

She spun and dropped the frying pan into the sink, and when she turned back around, she practically bumped into him.

Shooting out his arms, he curled them around her waist, steadying her. His first thought was how delicate she was—light and small, fragile too.

And then she set both of her hands on his chest, palms flat, and he felt her warm soft touch through his t-shirt.

A fizz of awareness spread over his body, down his arms, legs, over his scalp, and to his belly, tightening his guts and shooting heat to his groin.

She froze.

So did he.

Their eyes connected, and he felt like he was seeing her anew, right into the depths of her soul—a place that was scarred and damaged but also held the very essence of femininity.

And that was sexy as hell.

He kept hold of her, not wanting to end the moment or break the spell.

He was letting her see who he was too, not just some dumbass biker told to watch out for her but a man … a man who appreciated having a sexy woman close.

“I … I’m sorry,” she said, her eyes wide.

“For what?” He grinned and spread his fingers on her back, enjoying the delicate curve of her spine as it dipped to the first rise of her small ass.

“I’m sorry for…” She swiped her tongue over her bottom lip, the small pink tip leaving a glistening swipe of moisture. “Nearly knocking into you.”

He held in a groan. He wanted to press his lips to hers. Pull her flush to his body and see how they fit together. Taste her, inhale her pretty shower-fresh scent … and then … and then make her forget all the bad shit that had happened and give her new memories—hot, sexy, orgasmic memories.

“Mommy, are my eggs ready?” Zak shot into the room.

Oblivious to Jayden and Tammy, Zak scrambled onto the stool and reached for his juice.

“Don’t apologize for bumping into me,” Jayden said quietly, then with reluctance, released her. “I was in the way.”

She stepped back, and a slight rise of color appeared on her cheeks. She swallowed and touched the cross that sat on a slim chain around her neck. And then she spun around and busied herself organizing Zak with butter for his toast.

Jayden let his gaze slide down her body. Today she wore a pair of skinny denim jeans and a pink short-sleeved top thatskimmed the waistband, giving the merest hint of the pale skin on her torso. They were clothes Brooklyn had brought for her, and he wondered if they were things she would have chosen for herself.

Judging by what she’d turned up in, he’d guess no. But perhaps her prick of a husband had insisted she wear dull, oversized hoodies to hide her female shape and the bruises he inflicted.

Whatever the case, Jayden approved of the new outfit. Her ass was cute, her waist was slim, and the t-shirt gave her some color. Her life had been dark, dull, and full of shadows for too long.

But that had changed now, and he was pleased to be part of the solution.

After picking up his coffee, he wandered to the living area, pulled out his cell, and checked a message from Wyatt asking him when he was coming to the compound.

Soon. Might have to bring the girl with me.


Hudson’s orders. Keep her in sight.