Page 44 of Renegade Biker

And it made him even more attractive. It made her fall for him just a little bit more.

Tammy chatted with Belle and Leah for nearly an hour, and then the meeting came to an end and Hudson wandered over, Jayden just behind him.

“Doll,” Hudson said, holding out his arms.

She stood and he gave her a hug. “I’ve neglected you, got a lot of plates to spin here. You doin’ okay, though?”

“Yes, thank you. Zak loves his new school, he’s made friends already.”

“Good, good. And Jayden not bugging the hell out of you?” He raised his eyebrows at Jayden.

Jayden shrugged and reached for a smoke.

“No, he’s … a good deterrent if Gary shows up.” She felt bad for saying that, because Jayden was more than a deterrent, much more.

It was clear by the heavy-lidded look he gave her that Jayden knew he was too.

She twisted her hands together and once again wished she didn’t blush so easily. At least the lighting was dim in Nina’s.

“Ah, well, he seems happy enough.” Hudson wagged his finger at Jayden. “But don’t you fuck her. She’s got enough shit going on.”

Tammy sat with a bump, her knees weak. What the hell? Had her uncle just told Jayden, in front of everyone, not to fuck her? “Really, I… Uncle Hudson…”

He held up his hand. “Don’t fret, doll. I know my guys, and they like pussy almost as much as they like bikes.” He flicked his hand as if wiping out the wordpussy. “No offense.”

She drained her second beer.

Taff clasped Jayden on the shoulder and leaned forward so his nose was almost touching Jayden’s. “Ha! You’re fucking Hudson’s niece, ain’t you?”

There was a sudden explosion of energy as Jayden slammed Taff against the wall by his throat, sending a chair and table flying in the process.

“Here we go again,” Belle muttered.

“Don’t fucking speak about her like that!” Jayden snarled, ramming up against Taff.

Tammy’s heart was racing. She’d only seen him gentle and controlled. This was a new side to him. His neck and shoulders were so broad and tense, his biceps and triceps bulging. His feet hip-width apart as he shoved his full body weight against Taff.

Taff clawed at Jayden’s arms, and his cheeks went puce. “You protest too much,” he managed.

“I mean it,” Jayden snarled. “Tammy is none of your goddamn business. I was the one sent to watch over her. Not you, asshole.”

“And you’re doing more than … ugh!” Taff doubled over as he took a fist to his belly.

Jayden stepped back, and Wyatt clasped him on the shoulder. “Cool it, buddy. He wants you to react.”

“Fuck!” Jayden said, wiping the back of his hand on his mouth. He turned to Hudson. “I don’t want her being spoken about like that.” His brows pulled low. “’Cause you’re right. She’s got enough shit going on and she’s been through hell.”

Leah reached over and squeezed Tammy’s hand. She was grateful for the support.

“Taff, go get a damn coffee,” Hudson said, pointing at the bar. “Jayden, don’t fucking make me sorry I picked you to watch over my niece. Got it?”

Jayden looked at Tammy. A muscle flexed in his cheek. “Got it.” He pulled in a deep breath and then turned to Wyatt. “Thanks, man.”

“He’s wasted.” Wyatt nodded at Taff, who was wisely retreating.

“Waste of fucking space,” Jayden muttered.

“He’s had your back before,” Hudson said gruffly and pulled a cigar out of his cut pocket. “Now quit pissing around and get making those calls.”