Page 43 of Renegade Biker

“Don’t look now,” Leah muttered. “It’s Casanova himself.”

All three women looked at the bar. A tall lean guy with messy dark hair was strolling toward them. Shoulders swinging as if he were John Wayne.

“Hi, Taff,” Belle said when he reached their table.

He grinned at Tammy. “Hey darlin’, you lost your way?”

“This is Hudson’s niece. So don’t fuck around unless youwant him to kick your ass.” Belle raised her eyebrows at Taff.

“Ah, and does Hudson’s niece have a name?” He grinned and leaned closer to Tammy. His eyes were misty with alcohol.

“Tammy.” Tammy took a drink.

“Well, Tammy, how about I buy you another beer and you come and sit up at the bar with me, tell me what you’ve been doing all your life.”

“I don’t think so. I—”

“You better ask Jayden first,” Leah said. “She’s with him. And you know what happens when you get over friendly with a Barbarian’s new woman, right?”

“Jayden?” Taff scoffed. “He’s with Skylar.”

Skylar?Tammy stiffened.

“No, he isn’t. That’s dead and buried,” Belle said. “He’s moved on.”

“So has she,” Leah said. “I saw her with Maxwell down at the beach yesterday, and they were taking PDAs to a whole new level.”

“Max?” Belle said. “Well yeah, would make sense, he’s one she hasn’t had before.”

“Taff! Get your sorry ass in here!” Hudson’s voice boomed over the room. “Now.”

“Ah, shit. Duty calls.” Taff gave a mock salute. “You might be out of sight, but you’ll all be on my mind, ladies.” He turned and wandered toward Hudson.

Hudson raised his hand in greeting to Tammy, then ducked back into what appeared to be an office.

“Taff’s a jerk,” Leah said. “And not completely harmless, but the others keep him in check.”

“Who is Skylar?” Tammy asked.

“Jayden’s ex.” Belle shrugged as if it meant nothing.

“But don’t worry,” Leah said. “She’s also Carter’s ex. Most of the guys around here have had a fling with her, so don’t sweatit.”

“It’s a good thing she ain’t around today, though,” Belle said. “Loves a drama that one, and if she saw you and Jayden together, she’d be sure to stir the pot.”

“Get her claws in.” Leah pulled a face. “And she’s got long black claws.”

“We’re really not together,” Tammy said. “He’s looking out for me, that’s all, because Hudson told him to.”

“Wanna know a secret?” Belle said. Her eyes sparkled.

“Er, yes?” Tammy wondered what on earth she was going to say.

“I heard Hudson offer Tyron to take over from Jayden at your place, said he’d been hanging out there long enough.” She paused and waggled her eyebrows. “But Jayden turned him down.”

“Really?” That snippet of information made Tammy’s heart do a little flip. Jayden had given the impression he enjoyed hanging out with her and Zak, but she couldn’t be sure. Was it duty or choice?

Now she knew.