Page 31 of Renegade Biker

“What?” He frowned.

“What are you still doing here?” She paused. “You must have a woman waiting for you at the compound.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah. Bikers have biker chicks, don’t they? Who look like Brooklyn.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Brooklyn’s not my chick, I promise you that.”

“I know. I know, but … but you’re you. You must have a girlfriend.”


“You’re a nice guy. It’s hard to believe you don’t have one.”

“I like that you think I’m a nice guy.”

The wind caught a strand of her hair, tickling it over her cheek. He tucked it behind her ear. The gesture was intimate, and the brush of his fingertip sent a shiver of sensation over her flesh.

“You really want to know?” he asked quietly.


“There was one, recently. But she’s not on the scene anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Just ain’t.” He sighed and bit on his bottom lip.

“What was she like?” Curiosity gnawed at Tammy.

“The opposite to you.”

She waited for him to go on. It was the first time he’d spoken of anyone other than Hudson and his buddies.

“Exact opposite,” he said, lifting his shades to the top of his head to scrape his hair back from his brow. “Loud, demanding, always wanting more. Big tits on show for everyoneto see.”

A wild image blew up in Tammy’s mind. “And you didn’t like that?”

“Nah, turned out I didn’t, not at all.” He leaned a little closer.

She could smell his cologne, spiced and dark, and the sweetness of apple on his breath. He was looking at her again, in that way of his, seeing into her soul.

Her attention dipped to his lips. They were so damn kissable. She swallowed, her throat tight, her heart rate picking up. At that moment, only Jayden existed. Everything else, all her troubles, they faded away. And she adored him for that. That he could do that for her.

He cupped her cheek and drew their faces closer still.

Is he going to kiss me?

Do I want him to?

Hell yes.

“I won’t kiss you,” he said, his thumb stroking over her bottom lip.

“Why? Why not?” Her voice was a breathy whisper. Had she misread all the signs? The way he looked at her, touched her, spoke to her.

“Because I need to know you’re ready for a man again.” He paused and traced her upper lip. “A man like me.”