Page 66 of Cocky Biker

“Yes, many babies, each one a product of our unending desire for each other.” He filled his palm with the sweet flesh of her right breast.”

She gasped. “Do you … really think it will be unending?”

“I don’t think, I know.” He caught her mouth in a kiss and—

“One ham and mushroom, one spicy pepperoni, and a bumper box of Trojan extra-large.”

Belle was dragged from the castle’s bedchamber and straight back into the dimly lit motel room. Wyatt was setting pizza boxes on the long dresser. He cracked open a can of beer and took a deep drink. “I got garlic bread and dips too. Hope you like ’em.”

“Yeah, thanks.” The smell of the food had her mouth watering.

He turned and grinned. “You want dinner in bed?”

“Sure, bring it over.” She placed her book to one side then crossed her legs and sat forward.

“You know,” he said, putting her pizza down in front of her. “I’m only feeding you because you’re going to need your energy.”

“Is that right?”

He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Yeah, I intend to make love to you all night. Make up for the last week apart.”

“Make love?” She giggled. “Are you getting into role?”

He cupped her chin. “Do you want me to be your kinky duke or handsome prince?”

“I just want you to wear a damn condom from now on.”

“Duly noted, ma’am.” He winked. “Now eat up.”

“Don’t worry, I will. I’m starving.”

“And I’m hungry for you.” He stroked his finger from her ankle to her knee, then took a deep breath as if summoning willpower and straightened. He strode to the dresser and grabbed his pizza and beer. Sitting on the end of her bed, he took a big bite, a drip of sunset-colored oil grazing his chin. “It’s good.”

“Mmm.” Belle was busy eating. “It is.” She really was hungry, and the pizza was good.

“Do you want me to be your kinky duke or handsome prince?”

His words came back to her. She wanted him to be her prince, which was a silly, girly thing to think, she knew that, but Prince James was so devoted to Charlotte, so besotted and in love, not a transient thing, but a real commitment to her. That was what Belle wanted. She’d had enough of playing games. It was time to get real.

“Garlic bread?” Wyatt offered her the box.

She took a slice.

“So, is it a good book?” He nodded at her bedside table. “Gonna give me ideas?”

“I haven’t got that far yet.” She paused and picked at a mushroom. “Maybe I’ll just see what you have in mind first.”

He laughed. “Oh, I have plenty of things on my mind when it comes to you, don’t you worry about that, babe.”

With the pizzas finished, Wyatt stepped outside for a smoke.

Belle tidied away the boxes, stacking them beside a small dented metal trash can under the dresser, then washed her hands and fluffed her nearly dry hair.

Anticipation built inside her, dampening her pussy and tightening her nipples. She resisted turning on all the lights. The ambiance was just right. Much like in the castle bedroom where flickering candles cast shivering shadows over the heroine’s and hero’s bodies as they made love.

“I intend to make love to you all night.”

It was what he’d said, and yes, that was what she wanted. No, make that needed. Not kink, not dirty talk, not hard and fast against a wall in an alley. She wanted to build on the connection they already had, finish what they’d started in the shower when she’d allowed him to see a hidden sad part of herself.