Page 64 of Cocky Biker

The relief that he hadn’t been hurt during his dangerous trip and the tenderness of his touch finally burst the damn. Her shoulders hunched as a gut-wrenching sob sent a shake through her bones and muscles.

“Hey.” He pulled her close, enfolding her in a tight embrace. “Babe, it’s okay.”

The constriction in her throat wouldn’t allow for words. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she clung to him. The relief of feeling his skin on hers drew another blub of emotion from her.

He didn’t speak. He just stroked her hair, her back, her arms. Holding her secure as she let the frustration and fear out. He took it all from her—a rock to anchor to, a lifeboat to fall into.

Eventually, her tears stopped.

He cupped her face and drew it to look up at his. “I’m an idiot. I’m damn lucky to be here holding you. I won’t fuck up again. I promise.”

“Youarean idiot.” She sniffed. “But it seems you’re my idiot.”

He smiled and a twinkle filled his eyes. “Yeah. I’m yours. You got me.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and his expression fell serious again. “I hate myself for making you cry.”

“It’s … it’s not just you. It’s just been hard, you know? Since Pa went inside.”

“What would he make of me?” He paused. “No, don’t tell me, he’d want to kick my ass the same way Teddy and Rigor do.”

“Rigor’s okay with us … I think.”

“But Teddy isn’t.”

She shook her head. “No, he isn’t.”

“Like I care what that yeti thinks.” He ran his hands to her ass and squeezed both cheeks. “When I’m naked in a shower with you, nothing else matters.”

His cock thickened, a hot, hard rod of flesh pressing into her abdomen.

“Oh, no,” she said, pulling back. “There’s no condom in here, which means no fucking.”

He held up his palms. “Fair enough. Let’s hit the bed then.”

Before she could answer, her stomach gurgled. “Sorry.” She pressed her hand to her abdomen.

He frowned. “When did you last eat?”

“This morning.”

He took her hand and led her out of the shower. “We should fix that.”

After reaching for a large white towel, he draped it over her shoulders and rubbed the material. “What do you want? Pizza?”

“Yeah, that’ll do.” She dabbed her wet face. “Ham and mushroom.”

“Shouldn’t take long.” He reached for a hand towel and briskly scrubbed at his hair, sending it sticking up at all angles. “You stay here … read or something.”

“I am in the middle of a particularly good book.”

“A duke?”

“No, a prince actually.”

He laughed and dragged on his t-shirt even though his skin was still sparkling with droplets. “As long as he’s kinky as fuck, I can work with that.”

Scooping up his leather pants, belt, and boxers, he walked to the door.

Belle admired his small bare ass. Taut with dents on each side it was like a ripe piece of fruit she wanted to take a bite out of.