Wyatt’s attention was taken from her as Hudson strode over, talking on his phone.
He pulled out a chair and sat. “Yeah, doll, don’t worry. I hear you.” Pause. “Of course I can help. Get yourself on a Greyhound with whatever you can carry, and the little man, and once you’re in California, I’ll get you set up … Don’t worry about money, not for a second. You gotta get outta there.” He rubbed his temple over his greying hair. “This asshole won’t bother you again. That’s a promise.” His fists were clenched. “I’ll see you very soon. Have a good trip.”
He put the phone on the table and folded his arms, his knuckles pressing on his biceps.
“Trouble?” Wyatt asked.
“Yeah, with my niece.”
“Didn’t know you had one,” Jayden said.
“Yeah, Tammy. She lives in Oregon with a son-of-a-bitch husband who has used her as a punching bag once too often. I’m getting her close, so I can keep an eye on her. If he shows his face, he’s dead fucking meat.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Belle said.
“I could do without it.” Hudson frowned. “There’s shit going down that needs my attention. But I ain’t gonna wait until it’s too late and he’s killed her.”
“Can I help out?” Jayden asked.
Hudson nibbled on his full bottom lip. “Actually…” He appeared to think. “You could, buddy. That house on Strands, the one with the leak in the roof.”
“Yeah, I know it. Nice little place, on the beach, little decked area out front.”
“Fix it up for her, will you? Today.”
“She’s gonna be here just as soon as she can.” Hudson shook his head and stood. “Won’t take you long. Oh, and make sure there’s sheets, towels, stuff in the fridge, all that shit, you know.”
“Clean it and stock it?”
“Yep, if that’s what you wanna call it.” Hudson stood and squeezed Jayden’s shoulder. “Time off the compound might do you good, huh?” He chuckled and glanced Skylar’s way. “I’ll get the keys from the office.”
When he’d walked away, Jayden sparked up a cigarette and blew out a fast, irritated stream of smoke. “Fuck, what am I? A goddamn hotel maid?”
“Ah, you’ll survive.” Wyatt stood and tugged Belle up with him. “We’re outta here. Good luck.”
Jayden huffed.
“Where are we going?” Belle asked as Wyatt led her from Nina’s.
“I don’t want you breathing in his smoke.”
“The baby and all that? It’s not healthy like.”
She laughed. “Living here, with you, tobacco smoke is unavoidable.”
“I quit, as of now.” He pushed out into the sunshine and dropped his shades.
“What? Really?”
“Yeah.” He pulled his smokes from his pocket and chucked the box onto a pile of tires. “See, gone.”