Page 71 of Cocky Biker

“There’s a fight,” he said.

“Between who?”

“I dunno.” He spotted Carter, Taff, and Jayden on the outskirts of the throng of bikers. They all turned to a huge guy striding from the shadows.


It was Teddy fighting. He’d stripped off his top and bandaged his hands. Somehow, he looked even bigger and more menacing than usual as he paced toward the ring.

A cheer went up.

“Shit.” Belle was at his side, peering out. “He always does this. Makes him a pile of cash. He never gets beaten.”

“Really?” Wyatt couldn’t quite believe that. Sure, the guy was big, but that would make him slow. “I think I could take him.”

“Of course, you do.” She laughed. “I need to pee.”

She left his side, and Wyatt watched as Teddy’s opponent ducked into the ring. It was Baz from the San Fran chapter of the Barbarians—a loose cannon with a chip on his shoulder. It should be a good match.

Quickly, Wyatt dressed and laced up his boots. “I’m gonna watch,” he called.

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

Straightening, he swiped up his beer then headed out of the door. It would be nice to see Teddy take a few left hooks, maybe the odd kidney punch too. The guy was a jerk. A massive dude with muscles fit to burst, but still a jerk.

Chapter Fourteen

Belle pulled on her Daisy Dukes and a white shirt, which she knotted at her navel. The red bra beneath showed through the cotton and matched the swipe of Hell Fire lipstick she’d applied.

Still feeling high from her orgasm, she slipped on scarlet pumps and headed out of the motel room. Her limbs were loose and pliant, and her core, deep in her core, she was utterly satisfied.

Wyatt had given her something no man had before. He’d given her himself, every bit of him. As he’d stared into her eyes at their simultaneous moment of climax, it was like seeing into his soul and letting him see into hers.

It was more than sex.

It had to be. He didn’t just say she was special, he touched her like she was, and actions spoke very loud, very loud indeed.

Is it love? Am I in love? Is he in love?

Flicking her hair over her shoulders, she berated herself. It was too soon to even think about love.

Wasn’t it?

She spotted him standing with Carter, Taff, and Jayden, and her heart did a silly little squeeze. He was so handsome. So fucking sexy. She wanted to be alone with him again. Naked. Sweaty. Finding that high together.

A tremble went from her pussy to her belly, and she strutted toward him, taking no notice of a catcall that came from her right.

When she reached her man, he slipped his hand around her waist and pulled her close. He continued his conversation.

Carter smiled her way as he reached for his smokes. “Want one?”

“No thanks.” She delved into her pocket and found some gum. “Gave up a year ago.”

“Sensible.” Carter chuckled. “Although you’re maybe not that sensible if you’re hooking up with this asshole.”

“Fuck you.” Wyatt huffed. “You’re just jealous ’cause you ain’t got a bird.”

“Don’t need the grief.” Carter flicked his lighter to life. “You’ll know exactly what I mean when I say that, Jayden?”