Page 69 of Cocky Biker

“Felt this way before.” He brushed his lips over hers and pushed her hair back from her face as he propped his weight on his elbows so he could look down at her. “Me neither, and it’s fucking awesome.”

His cock found her wet, inviting entrance. The urge to rush, to ram in hard and get that instant gratification was almost overwhelming, but he wanted to savor every inch of her. Study every tiny expression on her face and see each flash of desire in her eyes as he pressed in.

“I’ll always protect you,” he said, easing in that first inch.

“I know.”

He gained more entry.

She moaned softly, her tight pussy quivering around his erection.

“And I’ll make you feel so fucking good.”

“Oh … yes … oh … more…”

He filled her, a smooth glide to full depth, her wet heat embracing him as his balls pressed up against her. A stuttering gasp left her lips as he connected with her clit.

“Like this.” He ran his hand down her left side, to her buttock, then the back of her thigh. “Wrap your legs around my waist. I want to get deep, so damn deep inside you.”

She did as he’d asked, and he felt his cock slide higher, so high he knew that was it. She was full of him, and he couldn’t push in any more.

He gritted his teeth and hissed in a breath. “Fuck. That’s good.” He caught her mouth in a kiss, finding her tongue and setting up a gentle dance as he rocked over her, working her clit.

He’d come if he lost concentration on his fierce self-control for even a second. This woman drove him crazy in every way. She held him tight, with her hands and her legs. Closing her eyes, she moaned.

“No. Look at me.” He had to see her eyes. “You need to know it’s me making you feel this fucking awesome.”

She opened her eyes. “Oh, I know it’s you.”

“Don’t close them,” he demanded. “Look at me when you come.”

“I’m … I’m … coming.”

Thank fuck for that.

“Oh, God. Yes!” She held her breath. Didn’t blink. A lightning bolt of pure ecstasy seared over her eyes, and he lost it.

Cum raced up his cock with the promise of relief from the almost violent tension that had built. She cried out, her pussy spasming around his cock. He flooded the condom, the release and the bliss making him shake all over, but still, he held her eye contact.

She pulled him in for a kiss, and he gave it. Curling his hips under, another shot of pleasure sent a moan from his mouth to hers.

Had he ever felt so close to a woman? So in tune? He didn’t think so. Belle was different but the same, the same as him. This could work, itwouldwork, he’d make sure of it.

She was wrapped around him limpet-style as he rode them through their orgasms. It was as if they were one being.

When her climax finally abated, he stilled and buried his head in her neck. Their flesh was slick with sweat, and their breaths noisy and rapid. She kept her legs locked around his waist.

“You can have that,” he said against her hair. “Whenever you want. Just gotta ask.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

He pressed upward so he could look at her face. “You should. I don’t say it to all the girls.”

“Special, am I?” She waggled her eyebrows.

“You know you are.” He stroked his finger over her full lips.

She didn’t answer. Her eyes went a little glassy.