Page 6 of Cocky Biker

Wyatt didn’t like them. Didn’t trust them. He knew Hudson didn’t either but needs must, and whatever deal they were presenting had to be good for the Barbarians to be entertaining them.

“Hi. I was told I could get a cola here.”

Wyatt turned at the sound of a female voice. His stomach tightened.

The long-legged beauty was standing right next to him, her bare arm almost touching his.

“I’ll get that,” Wyatt said to Nina with a nod.

“Thanks.” The beauty smiled.

“What’s your name, gorgeous?” Wyatt grinned and leaned his elbow on the bar.

Her long lashes lifted as she stared at him with the bluest eyes he’d ever seen. They were ringed with a darker blue around each iris, reminding him of water deepening. She swiped her tongue over her glossy red lips but didn’t speak.

Like that is it? Sick of bikers.

He refused to be disappointed. He wasn’t like the other assholes who’d obviously jerked her around in the past. “You know my name?”


“You should.” He twitched his eyebrows.

“Oh, yeah. Why?” She took the cola Nina handed over.

“’Cause, babe, you’re gonna be screaming it later.”

She paused with the drink halfway to her mouth. “You have to be kidding me.”

“I never joke about satisfying a woman.”

“For God’s sake. Why the fuck did I ever come here?” she muttered.

“Hey, Belle, we need you.” Rigor clicked his fingers her way.

“Belle,” Wyatt said. “Pretty name for a pretty lady.”

“Does your mouth ever stop spewing this shit?” Belle frowned at him.

“I only speak the truth.”

She gave him a look that had he been a weed on the sidewalk, it would have caused him to wither and die in an instant. But Wyatt wasn’t a guy who gave up easily. Hell, he wasn’t a guy who give up at all, and the greater the challenge, well, it just made him all the more determined to win.

And it had been a long time since he’d set himself a challenge like Belle.

She slid through the crowd to join the president of the Phoenix chapter.

Is she his woman? Damn it.

Wyatt’s heart squeezed. That could complicate things. Could make things even harder. Not that it would stop him.

“She’s his sister.”

“What?” Wyatt studied the huge guy next to him. Built like a brick shit house with a beard that looked as though it could house a few birds’ nests. He recalled his name was Teddy. He’d met him at a rally a few years ago.

“Belle, she’s Rigor’s sister.”
