Page 4 of Cocky Biker

“Goodbye isn’t in my vocabulary, at least not when it comes to beautiful women.”

Belle groaned and sashayed over the lot, toward the room she’d been told was hers for the night.

His gaze was on her ass, she knew that, hell, she’d bet good money on it. She could almost feel her flesh heating as he raked his attention over her scantily clad buttocks.

She strutted with a little more sway as she climbed the metal staircase to the upper rooms. He could look, no harm in that.

She walked past an old driver’s car seat set against the wall. A porn mag and an overflowing ashtray were discarded next to it. Then she pushed open the red door, second in.

She was pleasantly surprised. The room was neat with a clean sofa, TV, and a kitchen area, surfaces wiped. Through a door to her left was a bedroom, the white duvet smooth, pillows plumped, and to her right, a small bathroom.

“This’ll do,” she said, reaching for her book and dropping onto the sofa. She toed off her heels, and they clunked onto the hard floor. With a sigh, she settled down and opened to chapter eight and the scene with the duke just about to tie the young maid to the bed, for an afternoon of pleasure.

She’d shower later. This was sure to get her hot and flustered.

Chapter Two

Wyatt Jones watched the cutest damn ass he’d ever seen wriggle over the lot. His blood heated. His mouth dried. Blood rushed to his cock.

“Fuck,” he muttered. It had been a long time since a woman had knocked him sideways like that. Instant attraction. Instant desire.

And he hadn’t even found out her name.

But he would. He’d find out everything there was to know about the long-legged beauty. Heck, she was camping out in his room—Hudson’s orders—and now he was doubly glad he’d made the effort to tidy away the liquor bottles and take-out cartons and put clean sheets—begged from Nina—on the bed.

He blew out a breath and shoved his hands into the front pockets of his leathers. He’d heard the Phoenix chapter arrive, that couldn’t be missed, but he’d been in the middle of a delicate gasket change and needed to concentrate.

He’d missed out on gathering information about the beautiful woman who’d just closed the door to his room, shutting herself in there. Who had she arrived with? Was she someone’s old lady? Did he stand a chance?

He damn well hoped so.

He turned to the van. There’d be time tomorrow to finish it, after the meeting with the Mexicans. Hudson wanted it up and running. If there was shit going down, they needed it. Bikes were all well and good, but they were jack-shit when it came to moving around cargo that was bigger than a few kilos of coke.

His throat scratched with dryness. He’d grab a beer at Nina’s and say hi to a few buddies from Phoenix. Maybe the hot chick would re-appear and he’d get close enough to find out if she smelled as good as she looked.

With his boot, he shoved a toolbox to one side, then wandered in the direction the other Barbarians were heading.

Nina’s was packed with leather-clad bikers. The usual hum of conversation was now a roar as old friends greeted one another and drinks were raised.

He made his way to the bar. After a minute, Nina slid a Bud toward him. He didn’t have to ask her to put it on his tab. She just would.

“Damn loud in here.” His buddy Carter nudged in next to him.


Carter shoved a finger in his ear. “Where you sleeping tonight? I hear Hudson gave your room to the chick.”

Wyatt supped on his drink and shrugged. “Yeah, he did. And I dunno yet.”

“Crash at Ma’s with me. She’ll be cool. Two sofas.”


Taff, already several drinks in, leaned over. “If you prospies had old ladies, you wouldn’t get kicked out your room when we had visitors in town.” He hiccupped.

“Go fuck yourself,” Carter said with a growl, “and your old lady, oh no, wait, you ain’t got one either.” Carter was likely more pissed at being called a prospector than anything else. They’d both earned their seats at the Barbarians’ table and long since graduated. Hell, Carter was in line to be the next VP.

Taff laughed then lurched the other way, slapping a friend on the shoulder and exclaiming his balls ached with joy to see him.